Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

News & Issues > News You Don't Hear About-especially on Fox :O)

News You Don't Hear About-especially on Fox :O)

MoRumsfeld supports DADT repeal

By James Withers,
contributing editor,
365Gay Blog
If you are going to say you don’t like gay
people, at least be butch about it
. Look at this Metro
 video of GOProud’s “The Big Party,” hosted by Andrew
Breitbart. The affair was held on February 10 and was part of the CPAC weekend.
Conservative talking points were presented rather well, if you like that type of
thing. Wait for a Matt Hissey explain what the most conservative thing about him
is. He’s “frustrated” with stereotypical gays,  although he also yammers
something about people being individuals. A guy named Hissey, whose voice mimics
a good Midwestern church girl, is put off by flamers?! OK……Ms. Thing.

  • Is GOProud one and done with CPAC? GOProud’s executive
    director Jimmy
     thinks this year’s conservative love in  has been a
    rousing success. “This CPAC is awesome, it’s the best one ever, and we expect
    that CPAC will continue to grow and be a great event in the future under the
    current leadership,” said LaSalvia. “They have a good team in place, and they
    know how to run this conference.” Ahh, but is CPAC happy with the gay Republican
    organization? “I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in
    the media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement and part of
    our movement, and that’s not acceptable,” said American Conservative Union
    chairman Al Cardenas—ACU is CPAC’s parent organization. “And that puts them in a
    difficult light in terms of how I view things.” Hopefully this just growing
    pains noise. Gay conservatives being part of the conservative movement is a good
    thing for the larger gay community.

  • Tammy
     resigns from GOProud Board. She couldn’t
    even hold on for a year. Is this a sign of trouble, or just the standard desire
    to move on?

  • Rumsfeld is no DADT supporter. Can’t wait for Tim
    to spin this.
    Former Secretary
    of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
     thinks the military is ready for DADT
    repeal. “First of all, we know that gays and lesbians have been serving in the
    military for decades with honorable service,” Rumsfeld said.  “We know that
    [repeal of a ban on gays serving openly] is an idea whose time has come.” Didn’t
    know Rummy was such a gay radical!

  • Framework for dismantling of DADT. Undersecretary
    of Defense for Personnel & Readiness Clifford Stanley
     has sent
    military secretaries a plan to bring “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to an end. The
    proposal comes in four parts: pre-repeal, certification, implementation, and
    sustainment. March 1 is the deadline for the branches to produce their progress

  • Parker tells a love story. Annise
    , Houston’s mayor, shares a little bit of her life as a young
    lesbian. How can you not love her?

  • GLAAD sponsors people of color media institute. GLAAD is
    looking to increase the number of  media savvy people of color, who are also
    LGBT allies. The organization is sponsoring media institutes in Los Angles and
    New York. Send in an application!

 Civil unions coming to Colorado and Hawaii?

Hawaii is set to pass same-sex civil

Hawaii’s Senate is set to vote one final time on the
state’s civil union bill today.
After some revisions were made, the
bill is expected to pass and be approved by Gov. Neil Abercrombie. The House
revised the bill to clarify “that because civil unions will not be recognized
under federal law, certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code that apply to
husbands and wives in Hawaii would apply with the same force and effect to
partners in civil unions.”

  • Colorado State Senator introduces civil union

Openly gay Colorado State Senator Pat Steadman introduced
legislation on Monday that would legalize same-sex civil unions for Colorado
He said that the bill “is a method of recognizing
committed relationships between two people, and allowing them to access the full
scope of protections in Colorado law.” The bill is expected to pass through the
Democratic-controlled Senate, but will face some trouble in the House, where
Republicans have a slum margin over Democrats of 33-32.

Colorado doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to gay politics.
55% of voters approved a constitutional amendment to define marriage as “only a
union of one man and one woman,” and a second initiative on the same ballot that
would have passed domestic partnerships was shot down 47% to 53%.

  • Two more Maryland state senators express support for marriage

In more gay state news, Maryland State Senators Katherine A. Klausmeier and Edward J.
Kasemeyer said they plan to approve the state’s marriage equality bill.
brings the number of senators in support of the bill to 24, the bare minimum
needed for passage in the 47-member Senate.
The Senate was the last
holdout for the bill, as Gov. Martin O’Malley has already said he would pass the
bill and the House is expected to do so as well.

  • Scott Seitz preparesto fight for .GAY

Seitz is the founder of SPI Marketing, an agency dedicated to gay marketing,
public relations, and event planning. He is also the chief executive of dotGAY,
a group dedicated to the support of a .GAY Internet doman. Seitz is planning to ask the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to approve .gay
. So far, this
proposal has been compared to the .xxx web domain that was submitted in 2004 and
is still waiting a decision. In other words, it has been deemed a
“controversial” web domain, and Seitz is prepared to fight tooth and nail for
the domain to be approved.

  • Darren Criss shows off his talent for this issue of

You’re welcome.


 Boasting gay basher uses ‘Spiderman-punch’

Watch what you say on Facebook. An Edmonton soldier, Cpl. Michael
Tscherkassow who bragged about “Spiderman-punching” a gay man on the dance
floor of a city dance club will be jailed for 12 months
for aggravated assault.

The judge, Brad Kerby, said that the strike to the
victim, Cody Garbutt, was unprovoked and later proved aggravated when
Tscherkassow posted it on his Facebook profile the following day.

The soldier apologized in the court room, but Judge
Kerby said, ”I take that [post] as bragging, a touting to the world, which is
the opposite of remorse.”

New Pro-Trevor Project Song

Singer Matt Zarley has had hits on the Billboard Dance charts with
“While You See A Chance” and “Where Did You Come From,” been on Broadway and was
the first openly gay man to be featured in People Magazine’s “Most Eligible

Now he has covered Pat Benatar’s “We Belong” to raise money for the Trevor Project. Zarley said, “I assume that the song (when Pat
Benatar recorded it) was a love song.  I hear the song as an anthem of unity. I
think that regardless of your orientation or viewpoint, we are all of the same
earth… and we are all the same. We truly all belong together.” Hear a sample here.

Christian College Hears from Former Gay Students
31 openly gay alumni from the Christian school, Westmont College
in Montecito, Calif., have published an open letter in the Westmont College
newspaper expressing the “doubt, loneliness and fear” they felt on the anti-gay

 Over 100 more alumni showed support and a majority of the faculty asked for
forgiveness for any pain they may have caused them. New  students now sign a
campus code that forbids homosexuality among other things. Most feel this will not change.


posted on Feb 17, 2011 8:26 AM ()



I gotta say, it seems like being fixed makes life SO much easier.
comment by zillahkatt on Feb 17, 2011 1:37 PM ()
well I don't know---at 75 I don't want to be fixed yet! It will probably happen naturally in a couple of years!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 17, 2011 6:53 PM ()

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