Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Celebrating Leap Year Birthdays Part 1

Celebrating Leap Year Birthdays Part 1

I consider myself very lucky in the fact that I am a Leap Year Baby,
having a birthday only once every 4 years, and I have always taken
advantage of that fact. I don't celebrate the 'in-between' years but I
have a blast and memorable times when Feb 29 falls in a year--by the way
it is any year divisible by 4 and comes out in a presidential election

In 1940 when I celebrated my first Leap Year birthday I had
my picture on the front page of the newspaper--I am in the center of
the picture surrounded by 4 friends with our mothers in the background
and a chocolate cake with candles in front of me. Above was the invitation to my 14th Leap Year birthday party.

Some other highlights:

29, 1976 My 10th (40th) birthday--I rented the Memphis Hilton Hotel
Ballroom and 2 banquet rooms--invited 350 of my closest friends--had a
jazz cocktail party to start then a sit down prime ribs and Caesar salad
dinner with a band followed by a dessert, liqueur and dancing ending.
Made the front page society section of the Memphis Commercial Appeal
paper It cost me $11,000--remember these are 1976 dollars! :o)

29, 1980--hired out The Sandpiper (a gay supper club) and a blast was
had for all for 7 hours--dinner, drinks and other 'things'

29, 1984--12th (48th) birthday--my friend Michael threw a surprise party
for me--I gave him the list of people to invite (Tacky? Who cared!)--on
his pool barbecue patio

Feb. 29, 1988--an evening at the Golden Spike Restaurant--an upscale buffet eatery--many friends came from out of town.

Feb. 29, 1992--I had open house at my place from noon to midnight.

29, 1996--15th (60th) birthday--A "Death By Dessert" party at the
ZanZbar Restaurant--desserts from all over the world including animals
from around the world made out of chocolate.

Feb. 29th, 2000--In
the afternoon--The Cheesecake Factory where we were served all 48
varieties of cheesecake they offered--in the evening--The Ark where we
partaked of the Captain's Table (which included lobster, stone crabs,
prime ribs plus 15 other main courses and innumerable appetizers, side
dish's and desserts--all you could eat of all the items)--very mixed
crowd including 6 people who flew in from around States.

Feb. 29,
2004--17th (68th) birthday--it was held at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott
Hotel and Marina--I had 25 guests--started at 11:30 AM--featured an
elegant, elaborate brunch buffet--that evening, with my  friends Gino and Chuck, the latter who came in from Memphis, we went to the Bette Midler "Kiss My
Brass" show (I had invited her to the brunch but she didn't come :o(

29, 2008--18th (72nd) birthday--held at Sweet Tomatoes-- Chuck and
Terry came in from Memphis--a week of eating out, going to teh movies,

Feb. 29, 2012--I am starting now to research on
celebrating my 19th (76th) Leap Year birthday--a bowling party? A movie
party? A local cruise party? I am open to suggestions!!

posted on Feb 17, 2011 12:26 PM ()


and maybe he's done Singapore as well. Gee, I wonder if I can set some sort of a record of having the most airports, free wi-fi's places around the world, Australia, Singapore, Philippines...
comment by aussiegirl on Feb 18, 2011 8:13 AM ()
you are never going to believe this!!! I am sitting in the Executive Class lounge at Jakarta International airport, I have an hour to kill so I am checking my emails etc. Guess what....bobski has banned the ip from here as well...that means ANYBODY who tries to log into blogster from JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT will not be able to access, isnt it?????? Can you believe how petty those people are???? I bet he's done the same to my Perth ip as well...gosh I must be the most evil person in the world according to blogster's team....should I be flattered?...
comment by aussiegirl on Feb 17, 2011 2:36 PM ()
Wonder if he will ban it in the Philippines???? Maybe I should say something on a blog that your job is taking you there--wonder how Rica would feel???

Wait--he will be gone soon--I have learned patience and those you don't like will be gone!!

Has Mary told you what she is up to? I got an e-mail from her and she posted a blog just saying 'peace'!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 17, 2011 6:44 PM ()
Rent the space shuttle and we'll have an orbital party!
comment by zillahkatt on Feb 17, 2011 1:42 PM ()
Do they allow cats??????
reply by greatmartin on Feb 17, 2011 6:45 PM ()
should be a blast!!
comment by panthurdreams on Feb 17, 2011 12:55 PM ()
You and David coming? You have a year to save up!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 17, 2011 6:45 PM ()

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