The screeching score as Janet Leigh is being stabbed in the shower in “Psycho”.
Rita Hayworth flipping her long red hair and slowly stripping off her white gloves singing “Put The Blame On Mame” in “Gilda”. (Though it is in black and white you ‘see’ the red hair!)
Just say “Mel Brook’s Blazing Saddles” and the camp fire scene comes to mind.
Mae West eyeing Cary Grant from head to toe and as she walks up the steps in “She Done Him Wrong” saying “come up and see me sometime.”
Joe E. Brown telling Jack Lemmon in “Some Like It Hot” “Nobody’s perfect.”
Melina Mercouri walking down the pier to the music of “Never On Sunday.”
Alec Guinness and his men whistling in/to “The Bridge On The River Kwai.”
Hear “Lara’s Theme” from “Dr. Zhivago” and the beautiful face of Julie Christie comes to mind plus the fields of snow.
The music of “Jaws” and sharks are always together.
Every major female star from Bette Davis to Susan Hayward driving blindly, drunk and somehow surviving.
James Mason in “A Star Is Born” and Joan Crawford in “Humoresque” walking into the ocean.
Oilvia DeHaviland walking across the bridge above the heads of the male inmates in “Snake Pit” or not answering the pounding on the door by Montgomery Clift in “The Heiress.”
Betty Hutton telling the world “I Got The Sun In The Morning” in “Annie Get Your Gun”.
Angela Lansbury ‘s chilling mother in “The Manchurian Candidate” manipulating Laurence Harvey.
Barbara Stanwyck standing outside the window watching her daughter get married in “Stella Dallas”.
Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly and Jules Munshin dancing and singing around New York to the song “New York, New York” in “On The Town”.
Julie Andrews on top of the Alps singing the title song of “The Sound of Music”.
The opening number starting up in the sky and working the camera to the streets of New York as the Jets dance through them in the opening of “West Side Story” and Rita Moreno and the women singing “America” or the meeting of Maria and Tony at “The Dance At The Gym”.