One never knows what Mother Nature has up her sleeve!
The other day coming home I decided to take the elevator and saw a chick on the floor near the plants. Looking up I saw the head of a pigeon on a small shelf between the door and right above it. I was going to put the chick up there but I know better than to fool around with a baby bird, especially when the parents are around!
Yesterday I came home and saw that maintenance had put up spikes to close the area off but either they didn’t care or didn’t know that one of the adult pigeons was still there. I, also, saw some blood on the side wall which probably meant dad(?) got out to look for food as that is their job. Today the ’nest’ was empty though there were twigs and papers all over that area. In any case I took a section of the spikes off so if they are still nesting there they won’t get hurt coming and going.
I know pigeons are a problem here but that is no way to solve it! The following day the mother was sitting on 3 eggs. Also a little further west another pair of birds had set up a nest. There is also a nest, bluebirds I think, in the tree in the back of my building.
Yes, it is THAT time of the year!
3rd picture of hatchling