Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > The Medical World is Still Out to Get Me!

The Medical World is Still Out to Get Me!



Yesterday I told you about my NOT meeting with the infectious disease doctor and now I want to go back to the day before--Wednesday, January 25, 2022 at 3:15---when I had a meeting with my cardiologist. While waiting for him I asked the nurse if I could get a copy of whatever notes the doctor had made of my previous visits but she explained to me, when she came back, that there were no notes as except for a short first meeting our appointments were in the hospital and I could get the notes there!

In any case when the doctor walked in I hit him with a list I had made of what I felt had gone wrong, was handled wrong and how things seemed to get worse since he operated on me November 12 and he countered with a few remarks that just knocked the wind out of me! I wish I could remember the exact 3 words he used but I don't as he explained that the 6 week IV treatment had halted the 'bad' blood from getting worse but that, starting on Tuesday, February 1, I would be taking an anti-bacteria pill, probably every day of my life. In addition to that I would have to come to (he didn't says 'his') a doctor's office every month to keep a close look on the blood, the bacteria and my aorta valve.

Okay, I can live with those conditions but then he added my energy level probably wouldn't return to where it had been nor would I be able to be as active as I was before the infection. He said the infectious disease doctor would discuss all that with me tomorrow but as we know tomorrow never happened and won't happen until Monday. We also discussed my shivering and the cold weather and he suggested that I take my temperature while I was shivering and that I would probably find that they were related. We discussed my lack of appetite and desire to eat plus after the movie and pizza incidents the previous Friday I was hesitant about even going out for any reason. I didn't like being, feeling negative and all this wasn't helping.

I admit leaving his office having to 'pep' talk myself but that all fell apart when I got home to find out that the elevator to our building wasn't working! What was I to do regarding my weekly Thursday food shopping?!?! I couldn't afford to have my groceries delivered and walking up 6 sets of 8 steps each with a week's supply of food and beverages wouldn't be a healthy thing for me right now. All of a sudden, and I don't know why, I burst out laughing, walked up the stairs and crossed over on the walkway to my apartment, walked in and all of a sudden I was famished! For the next 12 hours--until 6 AM this morning I did nothing but eat and loved every minute of it! What I didn't like was that I couldn't/wouldn't sleep and was concerned when I reached for the 3rd sleeping pill around 2 AM--instead I opened the fridge, took out the remaining Angel food cake I had, opened a can of pineapple and poured the fruit and juice on the cake and relished every bite!

Somehow or another I fell asleep for about 2-3 hours and when I woke up I did the 30 minute IV, had breakfast, noticed the 'out of order' sign was off the elevator, tested it, it worked, went back into my apartment, took the picture above (we are going to be in the 50s later) and waited for Allen's call to go on our regular Thursday trek!

I didn't shiver today---well it is only 6:30 PM so maybe I better shut up--am grilling pork chops for dinner and for the first time in awhile not feeling sorry for myself. We won't be going to the movies tomorrow, just going for a leisurely lunch, but that's okay--I HAVE MY APPETITE BACK!!

posted on Jan 27, 2022 4:08 PM ()


Food is about all the joy available when you get old so I am glad you have your appetite back!
comment by elderjane on Jan 28, 2022 3:05 AM ()
So am I!!!! I LOVE eating!
reply by greatmartin on Jan 28, 2022 9:57 AM ()

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