Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > The Medical World is After Me!!!

The Medical World is After Me!!!


Where do I start? Let's start with today when I had to get up at 8 AM in order to get a ride for my appointment with the infectious disease doctor only to get there to hear they didn't have a referral for that appointment which I know was wrong as Michelle, my primary doctor's head nurse was, and has been, a perfectionist at her job. After much back and forth they said I would have to get a new referral and make a new appointment. Well, that all had to be done before Monday as that is when my 6 week self IV was over and I would have to change to a anti-bacteria pill for the rest of my life! (More about that later.)

I had a choice of waiting 2 hours for my free HMO ride back home or paying for a uber, lyft or yellow cab to get home in 15 minutes. Let's just say that it cost me $12 plus tip. When I got home I called Michelle and she told me that my first referral had 2 visits on it and that today was my second visit. She faxed her copy to the doctor's office plus a new one with 2 more visits! At that point all I could do is laugh and tell Michelle I was going to sleep as I was already 'beat'!

At this point I had only seen the infectious disease doctor once and at that point she didn't know much except she wanted the nurse to come to my place every day to change the covering on my big toe wound which seems to have been the cause of the initial 'bad' infected blood! Would you be surprised to know that my regular nurse showed up for her once a week blood draw and that was it though she did change the dressing and did a good job but that every day nurse??? She must have been the one who also was supposed to be here the day I got home from the hospital but didn't how and I had to go to the ER 4 days in a row---a time I will never forget!

Now let me hop back to last Friday! We were having a some 'cold' weather for Fort Lauderdale--cold being under 65 degrees and we even went down to the 40s and will be going into the 30s this weekend BUT we were back in the 80s today! In any case Allen and I went to the movies last Friday and for 2 hours I shivered! I had to go to the concession stand and get some (lousy) coffee but I was the only one complaining about it being cold in the theatre and shivering. When we went to Big Louie's for pizza I could only have one slice as my hand was shaking so hard the pepperoni was flying off! It became a certainty that every day I would start shaking at around 3-4 PM and it would last for 5-6 hours. I didn't have a fever, didn't sweat, was just cold and shivering shaking like crazy!

To end part 1 on a positive note I did suspect that maybe I had gotten the new virus but that was to be proven not the case. Getting the 2 vaccinations and the booster shot was working for me.

(Continued tomorrow---which I am sorry to say is mostly negative and not good news not to mention that I just had a very negative ending to the day! But trying hard to be positive I'll end with I am NOT shivering!)

posted on Jan 26, 2022 5:09 PM ()

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