Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Medical Update as of February 1, 2022

Medical Update as of February 1, 2022

Week started off great with Emir taking me to lunch at the 15th street Fisheries--haven't been there since Philippe's birthday in 2016 (I believe)--since the COVID crisis their portions are half the size they were while the prices are double!! Halfway through the lunch I could feel my energy fading and I was starting to shiver!

I had to excuse myself to Emir as I just wanted to get home and end the day!

The 'fun' started the next day (Monday) with my visit to the infectious disease doctor where I had a list of questions and all I got was, generally speaking, that the IV treatment was done with and I would start with Minocycline the next day, twice a day.

I was also reminded that the cardiologist wanted me to get a colonoscopy!

The nurse never showed to take out the IV today and after calling her we agreed it would be done tomorrow (Wednesday).

I then did about 2-3 hours of research on a colonoscopy for an 86 year old man on the Internet--if you are interested here is just one of the pages I read that helped me to decide that I will NOT do the colonoscopy which will probably create problems when I go to see the cardiologist on February 22!,out%20every%2010%20years%20starting%20at%20age%2050.

MAY 25, 2016

We're all gonna die. If a colonoscopy is really a horrible experience, why do it?

Talking to the infectious disease doctor about my ankles swelling up, a rash over most of my body and other problems the answer I got was that the IV may have caused the problems and now that I will be off it the rash and itching may clear up and stop---end of conversation! She then called in the prescription to CVS for my new med which I picked up on the way home--I am now down to only 14 meds a day and trying to figure out exactly when to take this twice a day will take a lot of juggling!

If you are interested, and can possible offer some suggestions I'm ready to listen as to when to take the 2 new pills! (Be sure to read all the restrictions!) Also what do you think about my decision to NOT do the colonoscopy?

And it is only Tuesday, February 1, 2022---wonder what the rest of the week, let alone month, will bring????

Emir took the pictures of the seafood skillet and me, in my winter jacket, at the 15th Street Fisheries--oh yes, I need to find a new collage site as kizoa seems to have changed--any ideas?

posted on Feb 1, 2022 12:33 PM ()


I am with y ou on vetoing the colonoscopy. Surprises will be on store in February and I hope they are good one.

comment by elderjane on Feb 2, 2022 4:39 AM ()
reply by greatmartin on Feb 2, 2022 8:29 AM ()
Tell him he can get a colonoscopy if he likes them so much. There seems no reason for you to.
comment by drmaus on Feb 1, 2022 3:55 PM ()
I don't plan to get one--plus taking blood thinners leaves me open to a few more 'dangers'--be interesting to see how he reacts!!
reply by greatmartin on Feb 1, 2022 8:23 PM ()

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