Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Alone But Not Lonely--life is Good

Alone But Not Lonely--life is Good

this time of the year many people are overcome with loneliness some
choosing to end their life. I leave in a community of uld people and it
isn't easy for them at this time of the year. Some don't have family
while others are estranged from them and a lot just live to far away. 
(Just an aside a great holiday gift would be to reach out to aomeome who
is alone--invite them for a meal--take them to a movie--spend part of
your day talking to them.) The one thing everyone can learn is that
living alone does not mean being lonely!

It took me 50 years, 4 exes, innumerable mini-affairs to realize that I prefer, enjoy, need to live alone.

make/am a great friend, adviser, listener but as a life partner a dud.
It could be I am too selfish, unwilling to compromise when it comes to
ME, unable to sustain a physical relationship with one person or a
million other reasons. And it's NOT that I haven't found the right
person--I did in 1981 but it couldn't/didn't last.

Why do I like living alone and don't feel lonely? Let me tackle the latter first.

have 7 different, very close friends. If I want to go out to a movie or
play, attend an event, spend time at the beach, share a joyful time,
cry on someone's shoulder or just talk they are available. If I want to
have a physical encounter I have a group of people to call upon.

as to not being/feeling lonely: I have many interests such as reading
and writing that take up a lot of my time and there are only 2 things I
don't/won't do alone--have sex and eat out in a fine restaurant.

Advantages of living alone:
1) I can come home and not have to worry about how the person I live with is feeling, what kind of mood they are in.
2) If I don't want the TV on it stays off.
3) I can watch what programs I want nor do I have to buy another TV to solve 'arguments'.
4) I have the whole bed to myself.
5) I do what I want when I want
6) I can eat, read or do anything else I want in bed without having to worry about annoying/disturbing someone.
7) I can eat what I want when I want.
8) I can get up or go to sleep when I want.
I can smoke, fart, pick my nose, scratch my butt (Oh, I know YOU don't
do any of these things) use my fingers to eat (Oops! Maybe I should have
listed this separately after the other things mentioned :o)) without
any comments or put downs or silly laughs
10) I don't have to hide anything, including what i watch or put on the Internet.
11) Not having a person talk when I am watching and/or doing something when I prefer quiet.
12) I like to vacation, take trips alone, and stop/see where/what I want for as long as I want.
13) I can be sloppy or neat, clean after myself or not without 'nagging'.
14) I can be responsible for myself only and not for someone else.
15) I can have the a/c on or off--depending how I feel.
16) I can say and/or think "I" as much as I want.
17) I won't/don't do anything I don't want to do.
18) I can eat the whole cake, box of chocolates or cookies, bag of potato chips, etc. myself. (I told you I was selfish!)
19) If I run out of something it's my fault.
20) I don't have to lie--not even a 'white' lie.

And the list can go on.

The only advantage I can see to having a live in partner is that when you get old and/or sick someone can take care of you.
Besides all I have seen or read about partners are the problems they had or are having.
Plus I don't have to go through the heartache of a breakup :o)

posted on Dec 4, 2013 6:19 PM ()


You have a great attitude and I agree about the need for friends.
comment by elderjane on Dec 7, 2013 5:33 AM ()
I agree that it's great to live alone as long as you can get help when you need it - a ride or someone to help move something heavy.
comment by troutbend on Dec 5, 2013 7:38 PM ()
That's what friends are for!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 5, 2013 8:33 PM ()
you have done very well and can cope just about everything.Yes it is very sad of some of the resident there of being alone at the time of the year,they do not or aware what they are doing making their parent very sad.Like you said,they have gone and live far away etc.
That is a good list.Some of them can do this and you are the one who can,been there and done that/
comment by fredo on Dec 5, 2013 8:06 AM ()

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