Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Life is Better with Steak and M&ms!

Life is Better with Steak and M&ms!

One stop we make every Thursday when Allen takes me on my errands is Winn-Dixie, usually after lunch (and I still buy too much! There goes that theory!) I very seldom eat steak at home as I know restaurants get the best cuts but passing the meat section I saw they had steaks on sale and I said--to myself--"Self go for it, " so Self did. It didn't have the Winn-Dixie name which is rare as their slogan is "The Beef People". 1) The steak's label said Rancher's Home bone in Ribeye Steak. Bar none it is the best steak I have ever had, just melting in my mouth with each bite. Though I am known as a fast eater I never had a steak last as long and to top it off that bone was delicious! No I didn't eat it but there wasn't a drop of meat left on it. 2) I am beginning to worry about Jacque--some of you met her at my birthday dinner in 2016. First of all she gave me a 'snacking size' of M&Ms--the whole bag!! Heck, I wouldn't even share them let alone give them away! 3) The Ionian Princess is the new boat docked here--HUGE! 4) One of the many reasons I love living here are the things I see outside my window such as this home which looks like it belongs in Monte Carlo and then there is 5) The Point which is a never ending sight of beauty! 6) And then there is Lenny the lizard who keeps the flies, among other bugs, away from yours truly. Mmmm--I hope Winn-Dixie has more of Rancher's Home steaks!

posted on Sept 11, 2019 6:34 PM ()


Whole eye rounds are on sale here next week. Sometimes they are excellent, sometimes not. But for $1.88 lb I doubt that I can go wrong. BBQ steak is the only way to go. Really hot, cook the outside and leave the inside pink. Gawd I'm hungry!
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 12, 2019 10:48 AM ()
I bought another Rancher's Home steak today--hope it is as good as the first one! I grill it on my George Foreman grill!
reply by greatmartin on Sept 12, 2019 5:53 PM ()
I'm worried about Jacque too, it is abnormal to give away chocolate candy unless it's a holiday or something. How do you cook steaks? I am bad at that.
comment by drmaus on Sept 11, 2019 7:57 PM ()
I either do it in a George Foreman grill or I have a 'microwave' to 'broil' a steak in the microwave.
reply by greatmartin on Sept 11, 2019 8:34 PM ()

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