Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Health & Fitness > It's Legal in the Usa--have You Had It???

It's Legal in the Usa--have You Had It???

(Had a picture to go with this but doesn't seem 'click to add an image' is working.

I don’t remember how I first heard about CBD gummie bears but after reading up on it I ordered a small jar in June which contained 5 ‘bears’ for $16 which seemed a bit much but if it helped why not?

I gave one each to 3 people and only one said they had any effect as far as pain went.

As the Internet goes I was soon bombarded with CBD gummie bear orders and came across this:

“One of the most powerful ingredients used in CBD Gummy Bears is called as “Cannabidiol”, as it lends a hand to shoppers by improving various health functions in their body. The cannabidiol plays an essential role in relieving inflammatory signs and symptoms from the body of customers.”

Previously I mentioned it to someone else and she started with the bears but found the oil works faster and better.

I did order another jar of gummie bears, each 250mg, and which has 25 for a sale price on $16.95 I am about half way through the jar and so far I don’t notice any changes.

Anyone have any experience with CBD gummies or drops. It is oil from the cannabis (Marijuana) plant without the ingredients that would make you high.

posted on Sept 6, 2018 3:46 PM ()


It will be legal Canada on October 17th and I will be first in line.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 6, 2018 9:00 PM ()
Different sellers offer differing quality and strength of CBD products -- and I notice it is hard to tell what strength they actually are. I've been meaning to get some oil but it is expensive, as you mention. One place that has a good reputation so far is the, a bunch of nuns in California. They don't sell candy edibles, though. Let us know if you notice anything like pain relief from the gummies.
comment by drmaus on Sept 6, 2018 8:42 PM ()

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