Gay Marriage Ban (Proposition 8)
The Supreme Court of California has agreed to rule on
whether Proposition 8 -- the ballot initiative voters passed to ban
same-sex marriage in California -- will be allowed to stand.
Specifically, the Court will address:
Whether Proposition 8 constitutes an amendment to or a revision of the
California Constitution. (In California, constitutional revisions are
required to be passed by the state legislature before they can be
placed on the ballot);
Whether Proposition 8 violates the separation of powers doctrine in the California Constitution ; and,
What effect, if any, Proposition 8 would have on same-sex couples who
were married in the state prior to the election on November 4, 2008.
whether Proposition 8 -- the ballot initiative voters passed to ban
same-sex marriage in California -- will be allowed to stand.
Specifically, the Court will address:
Whether Proposition 8 constitutes an amendment to or a revision of the
California Constitution. (In California, constitutional revisions are
required to be passed by the state legislature before they can be
placed on the ballot);
Whether Proposition 8 violates the separation of powers doctrine in the California Constitution ; and,
What effect, if any, Proposition 8 would have on same-sex couples who
were married in the state prior to the election on November 4, 2008.