I will be going into the hospital on Sunday, July 20, between 9-10 AM--because of the cumodin which I will have to stop taking on Friday the 18th, my blood will have to be monitored so they can operate on me Monday morning, July 21.
I will be admitted in the ER as it is a Sunday and the admissions office is closed--supposedly all my paper work will be there.
I spoke to a 'Patient's Assistant'--never heard of that before--who gave me as much information as he could. It seems regarding after surgery care, how long and where will be up to my insurance. I e-mailed my agent with a load of questions but she is on vacation this week and will get back to me next week. A lot depends on her answers.
Some notes I jotted down from the PA, who in many cases couldn't be specific but could only give general answers.
One of the things he emphasized is that this is NOT by-pass surgery so I can't go by what people who have been through that say.
Depending on circumstances he said I should be out of the hospital within 5 days, that I will be walking, VERY slowly and depending upon the hospital I should be able to take a shower by that time.
Regarding rehabilitation--depending on my health, the condition I was in before I had the operation it could take a couple of weeks or 5-6 weeks. When I told him that I don't exercise and I do smoke he said the combination of both will slow the rehabilitation down. He said my diet was fine and that I should just add more protein.
Among other things I won't be able to drive for 8 weeks--he said it was sort of having a broken leg or arm but in this case it is a broken chest bone.
He said it would be better if for the first few weeks I was home I had someone stay with me 24/7 BUT the main thing was to have someone check in on me a few times during the day and have someone I could call at night if I need help--again it depends how long I stay in rehabilitation which is an insurance matter.
I don't really understand why I would have to have people cook my meals for me (not that I would mind!!!)if I was able to walk and get around. Of course I could always have take out delivered.
Though people may not believe it I am pretty organized and want to get everything settled before the 20th like how long in rehabilitation, how long before I come home, how long before I will be able to be independent again, etc.
I have already made arrangements to pay my rent, phone, cable, Internet, credit cards, etc., bills to cover August--will probably put newspaper delivery on hold and mail the same.
He laughed when I asked if one of my friends could take a picture when I am put into the recovery room--hey, I need to post it here!!!--but he never answered me. I will take a picture before I go to hospital and when I come out
I certainly won't be blogging or reading blogs for at least a week and for the first time since March 1967 I won't be weighing in on a Monday--will be making diary notes as soon as I can write--I am wondering if after all this is over will I be thinner or fatter.
One last note for now--he did say a lot of people lose their desire to continue smoking--we will see! :O)