Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Journey to Open Heart Surgery Part 9

Journey to Open Heart Surgery Part 9

Looks like a date has finally been set to replace the aorta valve with a pig valve!!

I will be going into the hospital on Sunday, July 20, between 9-10 AM--because of the cumodin which I will have to stop taking on Friday the 18th, my blood will have to be monitored so they can operate on me Monday morning, July 21.

I will be admitted in the ER as it is a Sunday and the admissions office is closed--supposedly all my paper work will be there.

I spoke to a 'Patient's Assistant'--never heard of that before--who gave me as much information as he could. It seems regarding after surgery care, how long and where will be up to my insurance. I e-mailed my agent with a load of questions but she is on vacation this week and will get back to me next week. A lot depends on her answers.

Some notes I jotted down from the PA, who in many cases couldn't be specific but could only give general answers.

One of the things he emphasized is that this is NOT by-pass surgery so I can't go by what people who have been through that say.

Depending on circumstances he said I should be out of the hospital within 5 days, that I will be walking, VERY slowly and depending upon the hospital I should be able to take a shower by that time.

Regarding rehabilitation--depending on my health, the condition I was in before I had the operation it could take a couple of weeks or 5-6 weeks. When I told him that I don't exercise and I do smoke he said the combination of both will slow the rehabilitation down. He said my diet was fine and that I should just add more protein.

Among other things I won't be able to drive for 8 weeks--he said it was sort of having a broken leg or arm but in this case it is a broken chest bone.

He said it would be better if for the first few weeks I was home I had someone stay with me 24/7 BUT the main thing was to have someone check in on me a few times during the day and have someone I could call at night if I need help--again it depends how long I stay in rehabilitation which is an insurance matter.

I don't really understand why I would have to have people cook my meals for me (not that I would mind!!!)if I was able to walk and get around. Of course I could always have take out delivered.

Though people may not believe it I am pretty organized and want to get everything settled before the 20th like how long in rehabilitation, how long before I come home, how long before I will be able to be independent again, etc.

I have already made arrangements to pay my rent, phone, cable, Internet, credit cards, etc., bills to cover August--will probably put newspaper delivery on hold and mail the same.

He laughed when I asked if one of my friends could take a picture when I am put into the recovery room--hey, I need to post it here!!!--but he never answered me. I will take a picture before I go to hospital and when I come out

I certainly won't be blogging or reading blogs for at least a week and for the first time since March 1967 I won't be weighing in on a Monday--will be making diary notes as soon as I can write--I am wondering if after all this is over will I be thinner or fatter.

One last note for now--he did say a lot of people lose their desire to continue smoking--we will see! :O)

posted on June 14, 2008 1:03 PM ()


Just a word of encouragement. You sound well prepeared and understand the procedure. When you go under and they switch you to the machine, get ready for the most beautiful thing. Make as many mental notes as possible. Then as soon as possible when they let you, write your memories down, the notes will help later on. God bless you and your Doctors. Big Richard
comment by waltertkbrk on June 19, 2008 9:59 AM ()
As with all heart procedures and circulation considerations, they do their best to get patients up and moving as quickly as don't think anybody is just going to let you laze around. I'm wishing you all the best, Martin.
comment by donnamarie on June 19, 2008 9:10 AM ()
You know you will be in my thoughts my friend. Things are coming closer now, it must be a "strange" feeling for you. Be sure all thing will go fine!
comment by itsjustme on June 16, 2008 5:21 AM ()
it is great you are so organized and getting all the info you need on this Martin. We will miss you while you are not able to blog but just know we will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. somehow I see you recovering more quickly then the doctors expect. you are a high energy person it seems.
comment by elkhound on June 15, 2008 9:00 AM ()
I will be thinking of you and sending healing prayers. Love ya
comment by elfie33 on June 14, 2008 9:11 PM ()
You're informed, martin. I think that is the most important thing. You know what to expect and that is also important. I believe you're going to be fine, but you will be in my prayers.
comment by teacherwoman on June 14, 2008 4:36 PM ()
Have fun
comment by clovis on June 14, 2008 4:17 PM ()
Sounds like you are doing a great job staying on top of all the details. I am sure that it will work out great. You will have so many people cheering for you so that should not surprise you.
comment by lunarhunk on June 14, 2008 1:48 PM ()
I will pass on this.
comment by fredo on June 14, 2008 1:41 PM ()
well you have a month or so to regroup your thoughts there.
As you know you have our well wishes here at the schoolhouse.
We will be thinking of you and keeping tab.
The man is right on the information that he gave you.
Do not listen to any of the others or trying to give you
adviced.You will be fine and things will move swiftly.
You are not one of these elder seniors that moped around all
day.You are active and this what count the most.
Being active you will recovered quickly.
This I know from my experience with surgery.
Continued what you are doing till the time for surgery.
I myself have a lot of faith in you.
So now,taking pictures.Never thought of that when I went in.
Oh!well have a great weekend.Love Ya.Fredo
comment by fredo on June 14, 2008 1:23 PM ()
sending well wishes to you for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery
comment by firststarisee on June 14, 2008 1:13 PM ()

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