Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Every Good Deed Brings Its Own Punishment Part1

Every Good Deed Brings Its Own Punishment Part1


 At the  beginning of March I posted a blog review of going to eat at a chef/student’s restaurant called the Chef’s Palette and due to a misunderstanding the server didn’t get tipped so on March 17---Happy Paddy’s Day—I asked Allen to stop by the restaurant so I could give the server the tip I owed her.

Long story short: she was very pleasantly surprise and thankful for my coming back a week later which in turn made me feel pretty good. Getting back into Allen’s car I reached for the door to lose it and at the same time Allen was putting the very fast, very sharp, window up and the next thing I knew I saw the tip of my finger hanging off the top. Grabbing some napkins and quickly wrapping the around the finger I yelled to him to get to the Broward General hospital right away. Needless to say though it was very close it was also bumper to bumper traffic. As soon as checked into the ER nurse practioner Lori Bodenheimer, nurse Mary Claire and nurse trainee Jonathan Hamilton got to work cleaning it which in turn brought up whether to cut off the ring I had on the finger or cut of the finger---KIDDING!!! (Well Jonathan did look already with his new scissors!) Lori took pictures of the wound and sent it up to the hand surgeon but we did have to wait for 2 hours to do what Lori needed to be done but in turn couldn’t do it without his okay!

Dr. Dreszer came down 2 hours later—seems he was saving someone’s life in the OR and thought that was more important than saving my finger—what nerve—yes I am kidding about the nerve part! I did like the doctor as he went over what my choices were. I choose to have it sewn up and then come to his office on March 28 for him to see what was happening.


As it turned out his office was 45 minutes away from where I lived and if Allen was to take me thee and back we were talking about a 135 minute trip but as my luck would have it he was moving into a new office not even 5 minutes from where I lived.


posted on Apr 5, 2016 7:06 AM ()


I knew a guy (dead now) who wanted to retire early. He was in his 50s when he accidentally cot four fingers off his right hand at the mill. My buddy asked him what was the most difficult adjustment. He said it was learning to wipe his ass with his left hand. May the hand of fate guide your movements in the future!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 6, 2016 11:55 AM ()
I'm glad it was after your birthday celebration, but am sorry for all the pain and troubles. I had hand surgery on a broken finger several years ago, and realized that even though it doesn't look like much of a big deal to other people, there are countless aggravations and inconveniences trying to keep it dry, and you don't have the use of all of your hand. Not to mention the pain. Sending get well wishes your way.
comment by troutbend on Apr 6, 2016 6:51 AM ()
Finally somebody who understands what I am going through--all you hear is "One finger? You have 9 more!!!" ARGH!!!
On a scale of 1-10 the pain is usually at a 3 and then all of a sudden A 10!!!
reply by greatmartin on Apr 6, 2016 7:32 AM ()
At your age you could do just fine with 9 fingers. All the drama.... sheesh!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 5, 2016 6:57 PM ()
Okay just wait--see my comment to troutbend!! That's like saying 'you could do just fine with one hand'! Yes you can and people do but10 fingers, 2 hands are a lot better,easier!!!
reply by greatmartin on Apr 6, 2016 7:34 AM ()
reply by troutbend on Apr 6, 2016 6:46 AM ()

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