Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Getting Old Equals Getting Clumsy?

Getting Old Equals Getting Clumsy?

Does getting old equate with being clumsy? I never was clumsy up until a few years ago. What do I mean by clumsy? Last Thursday I ran over my small toe on my left foot with a shopping cart. It bled profusely for two days no matter how much I packed cotton and bandages and, trust me, it is not easy putting bandaids  between the last two toes!

On Tuesday I noticed the foot was red and on Wednesday it was swollen and I knew it was infected. Called the doctor to have him call in a prescription to the drug store for an antibiotic but it doesn’t work that way as he can’t charge me for an office call if I don’t go see him. There goes a wasted Thursday. Turns out the ‘trauma’ brought on an attack of gout which is not pleasant!

I look at my arms and all I see are blood spots and ‘wounds’ like on my right hand where, by accident, as I was turning the corner on the walkway I hit the edge of the railing and ripped off a chunk of skin or where on the upper arm I banged it against the corner of the cupboard while I was closing it!! By the way I take a blood thinner and let me tell you when I bleed I bleed!

A few months ago I went out and bought arm protectors that basketball players wear and, unfortunately, I don’t wear them 24/7 so I have black and blue marks all over both arms.

Oh yes did I mention that I stubbed my big right toe two moths ago and it is still black and blue?

Yes folks it is just one more thing that they don’t warn you about what will happen when you get old but then if we told youngsters in their 40s and 50s would they even listen to us?

posted on May 25, 2015 9:00 AM ()


Every now and then at an AA meeting the geezers will get talking about these ah... what shall we call them, signs of old age? I usually point out to the young'en that it's worth getting sober anyway. This #### doesn't begin for quite some time and they have many good years in front of them.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 26, 2015 11:28 AM ()
No, the 40s and 50s wouldn't listen because they'd figure that was a problem unique to you, and it would never happen to them. They make fun of us old folks for comparing our ailments, but I find it informative. Remember when Fredo was talking about having a knot in the palm of his hand that he had surgery for? I discovered I had those same kind of knots, and it was helpful to know it wasn't just me.
comment by troutbend on May 26, 2015 10:09 AM ()
That's one of the things about living with 300 old folks--they DO know everything from personal experience particularly illnesses!
reply by greatmartin on May 28, 2015 8:07 PM ()

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