September 14, 2008 / by greatmartin

Just got back from sitting out on
the point watching the full moon reflected on the slight waves in the
bay--almost magical--with a cool breeze. As I was walking back to my
apartment I realized that I had really felt good for about the last 3
hours--I didn't have a good day this afternoon--it seems I feel okay
for a 1/2 hour after I get up in the morning then I start 'fighting'
fatigue, sleeplessness, 'heavy' eyes, wanting to sleep/nap but unable
to--went to Publix with Emily and bought some cheese, 1/2 gallon of ice
cream and bought a chicken and cheese prepared salad.
I didn't take a tranquillizer until
6:30 PM--and then I only took a half a pill--usually I'll take the
first one about 11 AM when I start getting that restless feeling but
for whatever reason I kept putting off taking it today--this evening I
wasn't anxious, sleepy, restless, etc. Maybe it is the full moon or
maybe the fact that I will be seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow and
might get some answers and/or help.
By the way if you have never seen
it, or want to see it again, the M-G-M classic "The Women" will be on
the TCM cable channel, 8 PM Monday evening--see it before seeing the
new version because the latter can no way be as good as the original!!!
Feeling good and hoping to sleep tonight!!! LOL