Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Food & Drink > Fishtales Restaurant & Nightclub--review

Fishtales Restaurant & Nightclub--review

If you want to experience first rate service get over to the Fishtale Restaurant and Nightclub and just watch Debbie in action. She has a rhythm that keeps her moving, while keeping an eye on all her customers, acting just before they will call her for something. From the moment you enter, and she tells you to sit where you want and waits for you to decide, to saying goodbye when you leave she does everything right. You won’t have to ask for any drink refills, she will suggest the best items, tell you about all the entertainment they have in the evenings, bring you more bread just as you dunk your last slice into the wine/garlic/oil fluid of your bucket of seafood. She has a sense of humor, knows the menu, treats each of her customers as special people and seems to love her job!

Fishtales Restaurant and Nightclub is more than just Debbie though she is a very important part of the whole ambiance. There are bright neon fish and a mermaid around the room, not to forget that must in every restaurant these day television sets of various sizes. The bar has a eye-catching color scheme, the outside dining area is inviting--but not to me in Florida’s feel like 100 degree temperatures. There is a beautiful white (fake) flower display as you enter and each table has an orchid like decoration. The tables are attractively set and I must admit I loved their salt and pepper shakers!

Let’s talk about food. Both Allen and I ordered the ‘Beach Bucket of Seafood’ ($18 each)) one in their white wine sauce and the other in a marinara sauce. Both sauces were excellent and the three slices of thick toasted bread are great for dipping in either sauce. (Yes, Debbie will bring you more if you want.) The buckets consisted of Ipswich clams, littleneck clams, chunks of Dolphin and mussels all having their distinct taste and benefited by the sauce they were in. Allen had his diet coke ($2) and I had coffee ($2.50) The only complaint--and I don’t know if they have them--would be to serve bibs with this dish (Allen’s yellow shirt had a Picasso design of red sauce!) and wet naps when finished. Also a minor complaint--I am sure it was the manager--maybe owner?--who was walking around trying to decide where to hang draping and if it was she should have taken a moment to say hello. (The again she probably has enough confidence in Debbie toknow she didn’t have to worry about a thing!)

We had a groupon and the total check with tax and tip (25% on original bill) came to $22.66. It was without a doubt one of the best ‘deals’ we have had in a restaurant in a long time and even without the groupon Debbie would have made the whole experience a winning one. I am sure if I had mentioned it was his birthday she would have made a big deal out of it--and he would have killed me!

The dining room is impressive at lunch time but I have a feeling it is whimsical, bright and, possibly, magical at night and I can see entertainers enjoying themselves while performing.

Thanks Fishtales, thanks groupon but most of all thanks Debbie!


posted on June 20, 2015 12:25 PM ()


"The buckets consisted of Ipswich clams, littleneck clams, chunks of Dolphin "
comment by jjoohhnn on June 21, 2015 6:24 AM ()
That's what the menu said--I didn't even think to question Debbie!
reply by greatmartin on June 21, 2015 10:29 AM ()
I had to watch that slideshow to see what the buckets looked like. Sounds like it was good - for once I think you got your money's worth. Please say hello to Allen. I feel like he is my friend, too.
comment by troutbend on June 20, 2015 8:31 PM ()
See you learn something new every day! And learning what a bucket is is more important than an SOS flashlight!!!
reply by greatmartin on June 20, 2015 8:59 PM ()
comment by jjoohhnn on June 20, 2015 6:43 PM ()
No, not Flipper!!
reply by greatmartin on June 20, 2015 8:13 PM ()

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