Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > One of Those Everything, Anything, Nothing Posts ;

One of Those Everything, Anything, Nothing Posts ;

we are always asked, "Don't you miss the 4 seasons?" it is obvious that
the person asking that question doesn't live here. It being June it is
the season of fruit trees producing all over--mangoes are falling out of
the trees, avocados are starting to appear but the surest signs that
Spring is bursting out all over are the vivid red and purple Jacaranda
trees plus the Queen crepe myrtle trees.Oh I forgot to mention the
afternoon rains, the humidity climbing and temps in the 90s--summer is
right around the corner

is leaving for the northeast, to see his daughter and his twin
grandchildren, at 5 in the morning and though I hate to see him leave I
must admit it will
be great having his car for a week--I WILL BE FREE!

old and seeing an ad "Only $35 per person" for a restaurant can be
pretty shocking! In fact burgers costing $12-15, lunch averaging $15-20
person and $25+ per person for dinner can cause sticker shock! Doesn't
mean I will stop eating out but I do look for those 2-4-1 deals!!!

I ever mention that my aunt Flo and Uncle Ritchie owned a bakery in
Sunrise, Florida (a suburb of Fort Lauderdale)  in the 1970s and 1980s?
She took care of the front of the store and he did the baking--I use to
love going there at 4-5 in the morning when he was baking and I became
the 'official taster'. He was a master baker!

find the older I get the less patience I have with people, especially
those who think they know it all, and I don't mind telling them so. :O)

you know that The Dollar Tree will ship you things without shipping and
handling charges when you order from their web page? Of course I prefer
going there because I have so much fun buying things!

to clarify, because it seems to be asked so often in general terms, I
blog for myself--it has replaced my diaries and gives me more room on my
closet shelves. I appreciate when people read my posts and make
comments but then I post at sites where no one responds.

I mention that I got another royalty check for my book "The Free
Prisoner"? And this is 8-9 years later. I, also, just discovered a disk
that I had buried away of the complete book.

was 'threatened' by someone--a Republican, of course--on facebook that
they were going to block me--I said 'please do as I see it as a badge of
honor'. Why are republicans, conservatives and/or christians so eager
to 'block' people on the Internet??

am starting to delete blogs on the various sites that I do posting
though some don't have that option. Mostly they will be the few C &
Ps or posts about the weather or subjects that don't mean anything
anymore. It is a job and a half.

hard task is the one I am doing getting all my user names and passwords
together--I started by using the same password for everything years ago
but now some want numbers inserted or have other conditions while some
were so obvious it was silly so I am changing those.

you ever notice that, like in real life, some people have to have THE
last word when it comes to commenting on posts? I think it is funny.

did I goof last month--I put my mail in the 'rent check' box and the
rent check into the 'to go mail'--had to wait until Mark the mailman
came to get the check out of the mailbox! But one of the advantages , of
the many, of being old is you can blame ALL mistakes on age!

Most of the sites I blog on have 'tags' but I find them almost a waste as I can't ever find anything by typing in a tag!!!

about it for now--if I miss a day or two you know I am out, going
around town, in the car! 8 hours to go as Allen has to be at the airport
at 5 AM!

posted on June 12, 2013 6:02 PM ()


I developed a system for passwords that uses the basic same letters and numbers for the first part, and the last part is the first few letters after the www on whichever website it is. I still have some outliers that I have to look up - the ones for banking mostly, but for blogs etc. it works great (as long as nobody guesses the basic letters and numbers).
comment by troutbend on June 13, 2013 1:50 PM ()
I started with a very simple one and it was great for many sites then all of a sudden it was add this, add that, use caps, don't use caps, blah, blah, blah!!!
reply by greatmartin on June 13, 2013 2:49 PM ()
enjoy the time with the car and gobble up everything.(NO!not that)
comment by fredo on June 13, 2013 10:00 AM ()
And why not that??????????????????????????
reply by greatmartin on June 13, 2013 1:21 PM ()
The password thing is a PIA even tho Firefox remembers them and autologs whenever possible. I'd hate to have a crash and not know any passwords so it's necessary to write them down--3 pages worth.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 12, 2013 6:23 PM ()
Same here--I am trying to get them in alphabetical order!!!

What comes after H?????????
reply by greatmartin on June 12, 2013 6:38 PM ()
enjoy the car and hope you get to do a lot!
comment by panthurdreams on June 12, 2013 6:16 PM ()
Here I come X Rated movie house!!!!
reply by greatmartin on June 12, 2013 6:39 PM ()

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