Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > And How Was Your Day?

And How Was Your Day?

Having nothing to do I decided to go to the hospital for two reasons with the first being the legs that the vascular surgeon had performed angioplasty and atherectomy on March 8 (one leg) and March 14 (the other leg) and his telling me that both my thighs were blocked making it hard for blood to flow through my legs. I won't get into all my thoughts, and unanswered questions, I had (but the look on my face might give you an idea how I was feeling!) All I know is that both legs looked infected, swollen and red.

By the way, I know I am an old guy but I swear that ER doctor was only 16--his assistant looked more senior than him! I wanted to take a picture of Dr. Lynch but didn't want to embarrass him!
He diagnosed my swollen elbow as Olecranon bursitis. It is caused by injury, overuse or prolonged pressure and he said many people are having it today because they press their elbow down on the chair arm for hours while on the computer! Treatment could include draining fluid from the area but that could cause infection so he suggested keeping it wrapped in an elastic bandage and alternating hot and cold ice and heat packs for 3 weeks and then going from there.

Back to the feet--to quote the teenager--oh, I mean Dr. Lynch--"You may have other symptoms like cold or numb feet or toes, sores that are slow to heal or leg or foot pain when you are at rest." Hey, Doc, I already have all that!

His advice was to keep seeing my vascular surgeon (who I will be changing July first*) who would keep a close eye on any changes. He went over my blood work noting a slight rise in my kidney count but the rest looked good. Obviously not only is he young but he hasn't learned the doctor's oath of prescribing a med to each customer---I mean patient!

*On July 1 I am going back to Aetna insurance as Health Sun made a bunch of promises that they haven't kept and their doctors are not the best or most reliable!

So with an elastic bandage around my elbow off I went back to Gateway where my neighbors were waiting to hear about my cure (though they have dozens of their own including "Never go to the hospital!")

posted on June 5, 2023 6:39 PM ()


My doctor is a 'waste' as far as how to treat bursitis!!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 9, 2023 2:30 PM ()
My elbows are as described. But mine is due to leaning on the kitchen counter in the morning playing Wordle and exploring social media while I stand up straight enough now and then to sip coffee.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 9, 2023 10:23 AM ()

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