This is looking up at the ceiling while having a CT done--one of the pleasant touches at the Memorial hospital.
someone said--"You are the only one who can get a 5 posts out of a leg
injury (if that is what it is!)" In any case going to do some rambling
here and then drop the subject and get on to other things.
to give Allen a special thank you for all the running around he has
been doing for me with this whole leg thing--and Wednesday he has to
take me to see the vascular surgeon. Well I did allow him to squeeze in
his heart doctor's appointment tomorrow--see it isn't all ME! ME! ME!
That turkey quinola vegetable soup is GOOD!
I have noticed lately, especially in the hospital, is that nurses are
wearing HUGE watches--no, not the video, Internet kind, but just time
telling watches.
things stand now: my left leg is swollen and tender to the touch while
the knee is very sensitive and hurting---the right leg seems to have
gone a bit down in the swelling department but is still swollen, red and
seems bloated. Most, not all, of the black has disappeared from the
toes. Right now there is a patch of blood showing through the bandage
Jennifer put on Saturday and I am waiting for her to come over now (this
is being written in afternoon so depending when I post this I may have
more to add.) I, also, need her to help me wrap the leg so I can take a
shower without getting the wound wet.
with bad news there is always good news and I forgot to mention that I
got another royalty check last week for one of my old published books. I
always get a laugh that they withhold tax from it. I, also, got a
Social Security raise starting January 1 and I don't know where to spend
it first!! Oh yes one third goes to Gateway Terrace, and, along with
the gift card I got for Christmas, I might be able to spend the rest on a
sub at Subways!
The best news is that I lost 4 pounds since I have been home from the hospital--I knew it was the IV making me fat not the food!