Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Jobs & Careers > For Chris and Others Who Think All Actors Are Rich

For Chris and Others Who Think All Actors Are Rich

There was a discussion about what a member of the
chorus in a Broadway show earns on www.talkinbroadway/allthatchat--very
interesting for anyone who wants to go into show 'biz'--this was one of
the more intersting and honest posts!

Just some facts -- Long -- but I hope it
clarifies some things.

Posted by: brucedow 12:19 am EST
In reply to: Broadway Salaries. - portenopete 10:33 pm
EST 11/21/08

While 60K a year might seem a lot -- living as an
actor in NYC? It is not a lot of money.

First, most shows don't run
anything near a year -- so seeing that salary is highly unlikely. If you do get
a long running show, you have to save for the next "lean time"...

B'way chorus folks do not go "right from one show to another". Some do, but they
are not the majority. Even if they do, there are often long lag times between

With rare exceptions, most of the chorus folks on B'way are doing
the lion's share of the physical work in any show. They hit the door to the
theatre running and don't stop till they are changed and out of the building.
(God Bless YOUTH! HA!)

Doing 8 shows a week in the chorus of a B'way
show is more than a full time job.

When doing 8 shows a week, plus
understudy rehearsals etc. (often two extra "shows" a week), media work is not
an option. No film or TV producer is going to hire an actor who has to "leave
the set" at a designated time. It doesn't happen. (The folks doing Law &
Order do it between B'way gigs. Rare exceptions, but it ain't the kids in the

Workshops are not a money making venture. Workshops only happen
if you can get released from your present contract for the period of the
workshop (very rare)-- during which time you are working for "workshop salary"
(below poverty) and are not receiving your B'way salary for that time period.
You can't do a workshop while appearing in a show -- very rare the schedule
allows for such a thing. If it does, you are most likely doing it for "the love
of it"; i.e. FOR FREE.

(Most of an actor's expenses are "investments in
one's future"; i.e. workshops, cabarets, fundraisers, etc.)

Extra duties
in a show amount to a small ($25-ish sort of thing) a week, per duty, over the
base chorus salary -- and usually involve a lot of extra work.

UI in
Manhattan IS a starving salary. Not that, as artists we aren't used to

$1509 minus 10% for your agent (most actors only have either an agent
OR a manager), minus deductions for 401K, minus taxes, minus gym membership
(almost mandatory), minus classes (dance and vocal), minus coachings, minus any
additional promotional work (cabarets, websites, audition prep.)... minus costs
for make-up, minus costs of maintaining two sets of personal supplies (one for
home, one for the dressing room), minus rehearsal and audition clothing (dress
wear and dance wear ain't cheap)... the list goes on.

(A Broadway dancer
will attend multiple classes per week -- very expensive. A Broadway singer or
actor will attend at least one, or more private singing or acting
lessons/coachings per week -- very expensive [$100/hr. is a conservative

All in a B'way show receive a minimum salary for the
rehearsal period. Then your salary goes up to your negotiated "performance"
salary -- but there is no guarantee that your show will run.

A studio
apartment in NYC (under 45 minutes travel time to/from Broadway) averages more
like $2100 to $2500/mo. Most B'way chorus folks travel more than 45 minutes each
way. If they are closer, and their rent is less, they lucked out).

control is an idea of the past. Even sublets are now being offered at "actual
rents", even if the apt. is rent controlled. Not nice, but it's done a

And aren't we all advised to spend no more that 1/4 of our monthly
income on rent?

Acting is not a "just show up and do it" job as most
people think.

But -- it's part of our job to make you believe it

posted on Nov 22, 2008 1:34 PM ()


Broadway actors contracts are not controlled by SAG, That is the SCREEN Actors Guild. And I don't think all actors are rich. However, something is so out of whack with entertainment these days. Pro-Athletes, movie and TV actors, Singers...Maybe you should give a breakdown for teachers, firemen, policemen, soldiers, nurses, garbagemen...Then there are the guys working for me that make $10hr who buy all of their own tools, drive across town paying $4/gallon for gas, and have kids in school. Anyone, and I mean anyone, including all of those above mentioned actors, athletes and singers, who strike because they want residuals in something they didn't invest in and were paid for from the jump, need to have their priorities examined.
comment by thepirateinthecity on Nov 22, 2008 5:06 PM ()
I have a relative who is just now trying to break into this line of work. She hasn't landed anything yet, so is working at a small retail shop in the city and has to share an apartment because she can't possibly afford one on her own. She loves it, though, and wants to give it an honest shot at it while she has the opportunity to do so. She's not so proud that she wouldn't return home and get a job somewhere if she has to, but she's determined not to consider quitting any time soon because she wants to be on that stage. She's accepted the fact that she'll probably be broke more often than not, even if she does work in a show, but she just loves it so much.
comment by donnamarie on Nov 22, 2008 4:10 PM ()
I guess you gotta love what you're passionate about more than you love the money, because as this post has demonstrated, the money's not enough to get rich on. Good article Martin.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 1:58 PM ()
Your so right on this.I am very aware of all this.
These guys never get rich.The only rich is what they are doing.
Good post,left comment on the other site.
comment by fredo on Nov 22, 2008 1:46 PM ()

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