originally wrote this as an e-mail to some friends of mine and after
sending it I decided I was having so much fun and feeling so good I wanted to share it--hope you catch my mood!
No, I didn't buy a car---I drove Jill to the airport this morning
(MORNING!!! What I won't do for a car!) for her trip to Costa Rica and I
have it until February 5th .
I treated myself (Allen had some 'condo business' to attend to) to a bbqbbq restaurant--yes I'll be reviewing it--then, nonchalantly, well as
nonchalantly as you can be driving a car in South Florida with all those
old folks around you sitting on telephone books to see over the
steering wheel, not knowing what signals are for, etc. I went to the
Post Office and mailed some books to my fans--hush up Chris! Took a ride
around Memorial Park, went and got our winning lotto and powerball tickets and then came home! pull pork sandwich at a new Texas hold em
a couple of minutes I will be driving over to the breezeway---okay,
okay, I know it is only 2 buildings away but I have car!!!
Tomorrow I am taking Norman to go shopping at the $ Store, Publix and Winn-Dixie and then on Friday I will drive out to Allen's place
saving him an hour's time (round trip) and gas for a change and we can
go see "The Rabbit Hole" playing out his way and, maybe, just maybe, a
little "Cheddar's Restaurant" afterwards!
Oh the joys of having a
car--even if I don't use it I know it is outside if I want to go
somewhere or do something or even do nothing but take a drive.
those of you who moan and groan about your car enjoy it while you have
it and for those of you who don't have a car, like me, I know you
understand my joy! :O)
yer driving around with one blinker on constantly pal