Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > Weight Loss > Autobiography of a Fat Man! Part 1

Autobiography of a Fat Man! Part 1

(Many of you will be familiar with this series--it was an 8 part series that I posted under the title of "Fighting Fat--the victories and the defeats"--I have condensed it here into 2 parts for newcomers to my blog who may not have read it before or know my fat history--here it will be in two parts.)

I was the sort of baby whose cheeks you wanted to pinch--all 4 cheeks--including the 2 on the butt.

I was the kid who had"--such a handsome face if only he would lose weight."

At 16 I was in the hospital due to an overdose of diet pills--hey, I rationalized that since I lost 7 pounds by taking a pill a day I would lose 14 pounds if I took 2 pills a day and so on--didn't work!

You want the fat jokes? I know them all. You want the names fat boys, teens, men are called? I had them all thrown at me.

(An aside--strangely enough I never 'suffered' for lack of sex--there are many, many chubby chasers out there!)

The only time in the first 30 years of my life that I was thinner was when I was in the USMC for 2 years--not thin, but thinner. With the logic of the Corps why not put a fat kid to work in the kitchen? They did. I came out of the Marines fatter than I went in. (I did lose about 20 pounds during boot camp--probably the only time I ever exercised.)

You name the diet and I was/had been on it---grapefruit, ice cream, fasting, watermelon, all kinds of 1 food diets, etc., and some you can't even name or don't want to remember like the eel diet (don't ask!)

After just losing a lover, in March of 1967 I had gone out after work (Hey, what could be a better job than being a waiter whose pay consisted of all the food he could eat), got drunk, stopped at The Stage Deli and had a 'Hymie's Special' (a triple decker 3 meat sandwich with cole slaw and Russian dressing on it--serves 2 with a side of French fries), stopped at a bar to have a nightcap and 3 drinks later went next door to a pizza parlor and got a large, everything on it, to go pizza.

It was 1 o'clock in the morning. I was drunk. I was nauseated. I hated myself. I couldn't commit suicide because I didn't know how or have the guts. (Pardon the pun.) I didn't have the nerve to slash my wrists. I didn't know how to get a gun and if I did I would probably botch it and wind up a vegetable. Couldn't overdose as I might screw that up, too. Hang myself? What in my apartment would hold me up?

I ran out of the apartment and walked from 75th street to the Everod baths on 28th street. For the next few hours I participated in a debauchery of orgies only this time sex didn't give me any relief as it had done in the past.

I walked out of the baths, into the morning's rising sun, tears running down my eyes, feeling hopeless, helpless and not knowing where to turn.

Obviously I didn't commit suicide. Instead, at 9 AM, I went into a phone booth, looked up the phone number for a local weight reduction club, called, and was told that the next meeting was that afternoon on 57th(?) street. I stayed in that phone booth until it was time for the meeting.

That Thursday afternoon my life was to change forever--both good and bad--from 1967 to 1977 it was all good. It started off by my going down to 167 pounds (Yes, I purposely aimed for that number) 9 pounds under my goal weight all in 4 months. At 31 I was a HUNK for the first time in my life (and man's fashion was changing at a rapid rate--and some were wild--I have the pictures for proof.) After reaching my goal I trained to become a lecturer for the organization and soon had some of the biggest classes (working on commission I was making good money plus I was still waiting on tables at a good restaurant but not eating at work that much which means the place was showing a better profit! :O) )

I met my next lover while I was training to be a lecturer and we were soon to move to another state and start a franchise. As Director Of Operations I was the 'front man'--I became a big fish in a small pond--a STAR--doing radio/TV/newspaper interviews--traveling around the country giving open meetings. The money was piling up for the business and me--I had a new Cadillac--a beautiful townhouse--traveled to Hawaii, the South Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, South America, Mexico, Vancouver, across Canada--took a 4 week vacation every year--was honored, feted, admired and had 'groupies' :o)---BUT

I had lost my weight, was a charismatic, hunky, well known personality (and was modest, in case you didn't notice!) and, yet, losing weight hadn't changed my fundamental problems. To do that I went into therapy--Transactional Analysis--which was to change my life more than losing weight.

While the business side between me and my lover soared the personal side sank. The more I grew up the less he could handle it but, for a change, the weight stayed constant. When we parted as lovers things were going okay and then I met my next lover and all Hell broke out. We went through a notorious 'divorce', involving courts, employees and our customers. People felt they had to pick sides and many friendships ended while others became stronger.

I was, also, becoming disillusioned with the parent organization as they started changing a successful diet and becoming more commercial, now selling foods in stores nationwide that they had no choice but to allow on their diet. They were, also, reported to have only a 2-3% success rate with their major business now being returning people.

It was time for me to open my own weight loss business for a number of reasons:1) I had a better way to lose weight 2) I had a BIG following 3) I had to earn a living and 4) most important, I had to keep in the public eye in order to keep my weight off. I know I was looked at, observed, anytime I was in public to see if I had gained weight.

A lot would change in the next 5 years.

In 1976 I opened "Our Weigh" with 5 other people from the former business--we had a smash opening (including 'spies' from my exes organization--nice guy that I am I didn't make them join!) The business took off faster and better than I had even expected and the decade of my thinness (1967-1977) came to a great end.

I had ten years--probably the best ten years of my life, with a few minor exceptions. I had come from Yankee land to be a Southerner--I was part of a great business venture--I had traveled beyond my wildest dreams--I had thrown a Leap Year birthday party to celebrate my 10th birthday by having an all night affair for 300 people at the Hilton hotel--I had worked on myself to understand myself (with the bonus that my therapist thought I would be great joining him) better and did--I had saved money (Me? Save money? Unheard of!)--learned how to drive and owned a white Cadillac convertible--was well known, respected and admired--and being gay, Jewish and a Yankee I was whole heart-idly accepted by the whole community--and I had opened a successful business--yes, there were 'bumps' in the road--I had ended a relationship that was finished in court--lost some friends--then again I entered another relationship that was very exciting--unfortunately I found a new 'diet'--I discovered that if I drank a little too much I would get very hyper and go to the dance bars and dance my butt off--at least 5 pounds worth by the next morning--of course that it all came back by the next day didn't mean anything--I wasn't aware that I was already, and/or becoming, an alcoholic but, still had it under control. Most important (to me) was that for 10 years I WAS THIN! (Not thinner, but thin--hey, I squeezed into a pair of size 32 trousers--alright, maybe only for a second or two, but I did it! Considering my diaper may have been a size 34 is beside the point :o)

As a side bar, since that Thursday in March in 1967 I have kept (and still do) a record of what I have every Thursday, every week, every year. Obsessive about my weight? Yes, and it was just starting.

Then the second decade started.

In 1978 I lost my latest lover after 3 years--I found out that he was using me or so I thought--my weight started to fluctuate (up)--my drinking was increasing--I totaled my convertible (I was sober that night)--I was having indiscriminate sex and came down with hepatitis--and, for the first time, I was alone on New Year's Eve.

1979 started the complete collapse of my life as I had known it. The business was going down the drain (no, not because of my drinking) as I was burnt out, frustrated seeing my 'prize' weight losers failing, (okay, I know it was/is their decision but I felt I wasn't giving enough or as much as I use to), but more because I was being too 'good', too 'fair' to my 'partners' and employees (that's another story.)

In June of 1979 I started looking for a buyer for the business, also facing the fact that I would have to leave a city I had come to love--unless you were black and/or a woman you couldn't get a job as a waiter and continuing in the weight field wasn't an option. I had lost a lot of money but still had some of a stash. Feeling I had no choice I prepared to move to Fort Lauderdale.

I did have a positive attitude about life in general. I knew the decisions I had made, good or bad, were made by me and I was responsible for them whereas before I would have blamed everyone and everything.

The BIG problem was my weight--at any one time I was from 5-15 pounds over my goal but I 'carried it well'. On July 28th, 1979 I got in a u-haul and started south to Florida. A couple of friends would drive my station wagon (don't ask) down a couple of weeks later.

The next 21 years would be a wild coaster ride--weight and other wise.

posted on Apr 15, 2008 3:08 PM ()


I was born quite chunky, with all the cute baby "folds" that seemed to imply a healthy baby. I remember being teased while growing up and knowing my weight contributed to my limited social life in high school, so I hated being fat for those reasons and for those reasons alone. I found other ways to compensate for my "problem" that worked well into my 30's, so very little effort had ever been made to lose the weight. (I can only recall two specific attempts.) It's not until my world came crashing in that ALL my previous behaviors and attitudes disappeared, including the compensation. (During the buildup of this and up to the time of the full breakdown is when there was a dramatic weight loss. I rightfully felt good about it and myself, but mistakenly felt good about it and myself, too.) "Who I was, what I was" had to be figured out "or else" after that. As I got better and stronger, some of "me" started coming back, so that I felt and was myself again. Funny, but not so funny, weight came back, too. Never has all of it ever been gained back, but I've yet to lose enough to match the weight loss I achieved during that difficult time. I am working on it, though, not just through the "weight thing", but through the "fear thing".
comment by donnamarie on Apr 20, 2008 1:07 PM ()
You really had (have) one of those fantastic lives where people just stop and are like - WOW!-
comment by mattguru18 on Apr 16, 2008 4:00 PM ()
The Good,Bad,Ugly.Good post MG.
comment by fredo on Apr 16, 2008 10:58 AM ()
wow, Marty....and I thought my life was interesting. Thanks for sharing. I hope I am as well held together as you are when (and if) I get to be yer age. Not that yer old or anything

yer young as ya feel pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 16, 2008 3:44 AM ()
Thank you for sharing. I like your style of writing, it keeps the reader on the edge of their seats.
comment by hopefields on Apr 15, 2008 10:05 PM ()
See I told you you were my guru!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 15, 2008 6:57 PM ()
A good read, thank you for sharing.
comment by grumpy on Apr 15, 2008 5:26 PM ()
My friend you are living proof of the saying.."What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger". And you are one strong man
comment by redwolftimes on Apr 15, 2008 5:15 PM ()
I always enjoy hearing about your life. you tell us the bad as well as the good. I can totally see you in a converitble caddy!
comment by elkhound on Apr 15, 2008 4:12 PM ()

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