Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Health & Fitness > The Abcess, Hematoma, Cellulitis Week Part 2

The Abcess, Hematoma, Cellulitis Week Part 2

appointment with the vascular surgeon was for 1:30 PM and I got to his
office at 1 PM--he finally saw me at 2 PM. He said I was to get to the
hospital immediately, that he would call ahead, which was the Memorial
hospital which I had never heard of and it was on Sheridan street and
University Drive--and I could have sworn he said it was 8 blocks
away--it wasn't.

didn't eat or drink anything all day as I didn't know if they would have
to take tests so I was hungry and thirsty! Looking for the hospital we
passed a shopping center that had a Subway store so we stopped and each
got the 2-6" customer apprecia tion subs that cost $2 each. I had the meatball and the cold cuts subs--and
we were on our way to look for the Memorial hospital almost passing it
by. I know I hadn't been in this neighborhood for at least 25 years and
the hospitals I have been to like Broward General, Planta tion and Holy Cross were all huge buildings taking up 2-4 city blocks and
this one turned out to be in the back of a shopping center!

went into what we thought was where you registered but the lady said we
had to go to the Out Patient department so we did only to encounter 3
ladies dressed as Christmas trees!!!! They were really great, laughing
it up, making us feel welcome and not just telling us where we had to go
for me to register but taking us there.

one thing I will say for all the people working there was that they are
friendly and, without exception, did anything they could to help you.
Though I never figured it out there were 3 different colored uniforms
which indicated their status but if you wanted water or another pillow
or anything you didn't have to worry about asking the wrong.

was put in the ER while waiting for a room to open up and they could
take preliminary tests. One of the ladies there not only got me a book
to read but said she would see what she could do about getting me a
dinner for later on---she did. Stephan and Gary, nurses in the ER, did
everything they could to make me comfortable--a trait I found all the employees to have.

would be awhile before I was moved to 308W designating the west wing.
The room was obviously set up for 2 patients but a bed was missing so I
had a private room which was almost immediately 'invaded' by Cleopatra
and I mean that in a good, nice way. She was bubbly, smiling, happy and
no matter how sick you may be she had you smiling and laughing.
Cleopatra was just one of an innumerable amount of people who tended to me including Julie, Anna, Steve, Jean, Alceda , Danielle, to name a few, and Eric who was in charge 2 nights I was
there. It seems most of the crew worked 12 hours shifts anywhere from
2-4 days.

Saturday and
Sunday went by in a whirlwind as I got a CT at midnight, an ultrasound
twice plus that annoying blood pressure, temperature and pulse checks at
all times of the day and night. Blood was taken and I was seen by 4-5
doctors from an infectious disease specialist to a cardiologist . I, also, saw my vascular surgeon who on Monday told me he was going
to cut the leg open and drain at least 30% of the blood. Was it a blood
clot? A hermatoma ? Cellulitis or an abscess? I still didn't know!

kept on telling the vascular surgeon that I had to be discharged by
Tuesday afternoon as I had to be in Miami to see and review the touring
company of "We Will Rock You" and he said the operation would only take
about 15 minutes, which he would do in the morning and I shouldn't have
any problem making the show. Well I didn't make the show and for the
first time in over 70 years I missed a performance of a show I was
scheduled to see.

And from that point on everything went downhill including a 12 pound turkey that disappeared!

posted on Dec 12, 2013 6:59 PM ()


Don't stop now. We need Part 3...
comment by boots586 on Dec 13, 2013 12:12 PM ()
The way things are going right now I may be back in the hospital tomoorow
reply by greatmartin on Dec 13, 2013 6:16 PM ()
You know how young folks complain that all old folks do is talk about what ails them? I actually enjoy hearing what's going on with people. Maybe at some point it would get old, but so far this story is very spellbinding.
comment by troutbend on Dec 13, 2013 11:38 AM ()
Hey I'm not talking about PERSONAL problems!!!!!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 13, 2013 6:15 PM ()
Way to keep us on the edge of our seats! Hope you're okay! And hope the turkey went home to his kids....
comment by drmaus on Dec 13, 2013 8:43 AM ()
Turkey story on Saturday!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 13, 2013 9:17 AM ()
Where'd the turkey vanish to??
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 12, 2013 7:55 PM ()
As long as you're writing it I will
reply by redwolftimes on Dec 14, 2013 8:56 AM ()
You'll just have to keep on reading!!!!
reply by greatmartin on Dec 12, 2013 8:03 PM ()

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