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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > Relationships > Gloomy


Maybe it's the weather, maybe that time of the month, maybe it's the fact that I have a really boring job and my marriage is really ending. So many factors and it has really gotten to me today. I am trying hard not to succumb to it and so far I'm able to pull myself out. I guess it started with the phone call from my attorney. Today was the day of my resolution hearing. I didn't have to be there but my attorney called to let me know that our final resolution hearing is November 6th. I can't get over how long it is until then. He explained that it is far out because we need time to go through mediation and arbitration if necessary. I just can't believe that it is really over. I guess I just kept thinking we might still have that miracle. I told my soon to be ex the date and he was miffed that it was so far out. I guess I am the only one not in any hurry to end it. It just feels so icky. The state of ambivalence is so comfortable. It is just hard to think that we won't be married anymore. I see him and he makes me smile, I enjoy the sound of his voice and I miss him so much. Is that a normal feeling for people that are getting a divorce? I know it happens where one person doesn't want it. I guess this is how it feels for them. It sucks... that is all I know. I don't know, I'm just feeling gloomy today. Yesterday I was P.Off and today I'm gloomy and sad. There goes that roller coaster again. Let me off. I'm actually finding that self talk is helping. My counselor recommended it and I am practicing it quite a bit. People are going to think I am insane. I am constantly telling myself to STOP (outloud) when my mind starts to wonder to things that can not be, negative thoughts that should not be. I am getting so much better. My daily inspiration talked of believing in yourself in order to have others believe the same. It suggested writing a list of positive contributions you have made in the world, the positive attributes you have and achievements. I think I will. I seem to get lost in the last year of my life and have gotten stuck. Tomorrow is a new day... actually every moment is a new moment and today I have just had to work harder to keep myself out of the gloomys! I slipped a few times but all in all I did alright. This weekend will be really tough. The kids will be with their Dad and I won't see them after Friday morning and won't get to see them again until Monday afternoon sometime. I will stay busy or at least try to!

posted on May 22, 2008 10:34 PM ()


Not to repeat what's been said, but even I--the one who has no cares or responsibilities--have "blue" times. Quite normal.
I've been through two divorces and empathize with you feelings. It's good for you to verbalize--both to yourself and to us. Hang in there Tanya.
comment by solitaire on May 24, 2008 5:52 AM ()
Call up some girlfriends and treat yourselves to a nice movie night with some fruity drinks... you need to give your mind a break.
comment by mellowdee on May 23, 2008 6:34 PM ()
Tanya, I think what you are going through is normal.....all the ups and downs. JanetK suggested window shopping; it's a good suggestion cause it gets you out of the house. I knew where every dress and skirt was on the racks at Goodys. When you are talking to yourself, just hold a cell phone up by your ear and nobody will know the difference.
comment by gapeach on May 23, 2008 12:11 PM ()
"Time-of-the-month" cycles are not totally female. Men have them, too. I think they begin with our voice change and continue until we get the death rattle. Mine comes every twenty-five or so days and it has
1. Depression
2. Munchies
3. Horniness
4. Empty bank account
comment by jondude on May 23, 2008 8:27 AM ()
I think that what you are feeling is perfectly normal and perfectly natural, given what you're going through right now, Tanya.I hope that you do manage to stay busy while the kids are away...I know you're not keen on the idea of eating out alone or going to a movie alone, but how about some window shopping? Or a nice park bench and a good book?
comment by janetk on May 23, 2008 5:32 AM ()

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