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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > Relationships > Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

Every year, for as long as I can remember we go camping for my birthday to a beautiful place called Clear Lake. It is a volcanically made lake that is surrounded by lava rock. Motors from boats are prohibited which keeps the lake so amazingly clear. We just love it there and really look forward to the trip. Every year the kids will make me a birthday something in Grandmas camper oven and they will often hide my presents in the woods for me to find. This year we scheduled our annual event for the 30 th-July 3rd, I just bought my fishing license and we were all getting excited for this fun camp out. It was going to be a bit more difficult this year since it won't include my husband. The traditions we have established together really makes getting a divorce so difficult. Anyway, after the success of my solo camping trip (even though my husband and I had never been camping at that spot) I was getting prepared. That was until yesterday, that bah humbug day that I wished I hadn't woken up to. Bah humbug. The woman in charge of payroll called to let me know that my time off would not be paid. I am such a dork! I didn't count correctly and I'm not eligible for paid time off until July 15 th, not June 15 . Needless to say, I can't afford to take 5 days off without pay. I am barley making it as it is. I am so disappointed! We will try to go later but it was so important to me to show the kids that we would still do the fun things we did with their Dad around. Now that isn't going to happen. (Not to mention I do love spending my birthday in nature, relaxing in such a beautiful place.

Part of me is glad because the kids will have just gotten back from their Dad's and I'm sure they would like to be home for a day or two. I really hate that they are a couple of ping pongs. I'm also glad because the closer the divorce gets, the more difficult it is becoming for me and I'm afraid I would lose it! I'm trying to be strong for my kids so now really isn't the best time. Looking at these pictures gives me something to look forward to though! It brings a smile to my face and I look forward to the day even though it's not next week.

The view is spectacular isn't it?

posted on June 24, 2008 11:36 PM ()


A birthday can be an Alice in Wonderland experience--it can be celebrated anytime you want. Just pretend it's next month. Need a companion on your campout?
comment by solitaire on June 28, 2008 7:25 AM ()
It sure is a gorgeous place. Don't worry - you'll still get there this summer. It will be just the retreat you and your kids need after an agreement is made on the 3rd. Being in a peaceful place like that is good for the soul... and even if the location holds old memories of family tradition, there is always room to move forward and create new beautiful memories together. BTW, I absolutely LOVE how they don't allow people to use boats on the lake. That's awesome!!
comment by mellowdee on June 27, 2008 8:30 AM ()
It is beautiful!!
comment by texastar on June 25, 2008 12:48 AM ()

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