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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Where Did the Weekend Go?

Where Did the Weekend Go?

Doesn't it really feel that way though? Like it was just Friday and now here it is time to go back to work!

Friday night G and his son came over. G brought me over a card because I was feeling blue the day previously. In it was a beautiful letter and a picture he drew and colored (smile) for me! He also bought me another turtle for my new collection. You see, he collects turtles And so when he buys me a new turtle, it's to bring a piece of him to me so that I'll remember that a he's with me even when he's not physically here. It's a sweet thought (if only it worked though lol) We went to visit Sis for a bit. The 2 boys got along great together without the girls around. They got along so well in fact that they wanted to have a sleep over! So it was funny when late that night, G went home and his son slept over to my house! I secretly wished we were having a sleepover too. Lol.

Saturday was my daughter's party. The boys and I got DD and went to the grocery store and the dollar store for balloons and such. It was a crazy, busy day but it was a calm, nice party with just 5 girls.

Saturday night was date night (of course) and we were going to G's bro and sil's for a small anniversary celebration.Before we went, he presented me with something else he had made for me. I'll definitely have to take and post a picture of this for you all! Out of tissue paper, he made me 12 white roses with rainbow colored stems and leaves. He placed them in a vase, arranged perfectly so that the colors formed a rainbow. In the center of the dozen were 2 red roses that stood above the white ones. They were the same. He said those were us. Then he sprayed them with his cologne so that I could smell him when he wasn't there (I'm always telling him that I love how he smells...I know, I'm in love lol).

With his brother, we just had pizza and soda and tossed a frisbee around. It was really cool (even though I'm probably the only person in the world who can't throw a frisbee!)Saturday night went too fast and Sunday morning came too early. I had to leave too early to go to a retirement brunch. I enjoyed the brunch so much but I just cherish our alone time together so much that I felt jipped out of my Sunday with him (smile).

We met up late this afternoon and went for a meal at my Mom's house. It was really nice all of us there together and my whole family accepting G in so much.

Got a big day tomorrow, today! Got to get a couple zzzz's

posted on June 22, 2008 9:41 PM ()


I'm thinking of an old Turtles (how appropriate) song...Happy Together.
comment by donnamarie on June 24, 2008 1:13 PM ()
This guy is absolutely too good to be true! You're lucky!!
comment by shesaidwhat on June 24, 2008 12:38 PM ()
G definitely sounds like a total sweetie! I am so glad the two of you found each other.
I can see why the weekend flew! Lots of fun activities going down.
comment by lunarhunk on June 23, 2008 12:27 PM ()
Man does he spoil you!!! PERFECT!!! and yes, take pics!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 23, 2008 6:45 AM ()
WOW! Tissue paper roses. Cool! G is one thoughtful and creative guy.
comment by nittineedles on June 23, 2008 12:22 AM ()

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