Doesn't it really feel that way though? Like it was just Friday and now here it is time to go back to work!
Friday night G and his son came over. G brought me over a card because I was feeling blue the day previously. In it was a beautiful letter and a picture he drew and colored (smile) for me! He also bought me another turtle for my new collection. You see, he collects turtles And so when he buys me a new turtle, it's to bring a piece of him to me so that I'll remember that a he's with me even when he's not physically here. It's a sweet thought (if only it worked though lol) We went to visit Sis for a bit. The 2 boys got along great together without the girls around. They got along so well in fact that they wanted to have a sleep over! So it was funny when late that night, G went home and his son slept over to my house! I secretly wished we were having a sleepover too. Lol.
Saturday was my daughter's party. The boys and I got DD and went to the grocery store and the dollar store for balloons and such. It was a crazy, busy day but it was a calm, nice party with just 5 girls.
Saturday night was date night (of course) and we were going to G's bro and sil's for a small anniversary celebration.Before we went, he presented me with something else he had made for me. I'll definitely have to take and post a picture of this for you all! Out of tissue paper, he made me 12 white roses with rainbow colored stems and leaves. He placed them in a vase, arranged perfectly so that the colors formed a rainbow. In the center of the dozen were 2 red roses that stood above the white ones. They were the same. He said those were us. Then he sprayed them with his cologne so that I could smell him when he wasn't there (I'm always telling him that I love how he smells...I know, I'm in love lol).
With his brother, we just had pizza and soda and tossed a frisbee around. It was really cool (even though I'm probably the only person in the world who can't throw a frisbee!)Saturday night went too fast and Sunday morning came too early. I had to leave too early to go to a retirement brunch. I enjoyed the brunch so much but I just cherish our alone time together so much that I felt jipped out of my Sunday with him (smile).
We met up late this afternoon and went for a meal at my Mom's house. It was really nice all of us there together and my whole family accepting G in so much.
Got a big day tomorrow, today! Got to get a couple zzzz's