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Defining Gee

Education > Teachers > Teachers Are People Too (Part 1)

Teachers Are People Too (Part 1)

A letter to my students (that they'll never hear)...

So you hate the subject, do you have to hate me?
You hate school, doing work...think I'm a jerk..

Because I won't let you talk over me, while I try to teach.
Or because I don't want you to fail... even though you say you don't care...

What's the worst I've done?
Given you an assigned seat?

Gave you the failing grade you worked so hard at getting? (I know it must be harder to sit and do nothing and turn your brain completely off when I try so hard to make it as easy as I can for you. Surely following along would be easier and make the day go by quicker).

Teachers are people too.

So I deserve to be the blunt of your blatant disrespect? I should have to pick up the same papers I worked on typing and copying to help you learn, from the floor -in little snow balls after you leave?

And class is so boring that you have to bring little treats from the cafeteria or art room to chuck around the room when I'm teaching? Crushed carrots...pieces of clay...pieces of of your pens...

Teachers are people too.

And this teacher actually cares about you. I want you to succeed. I want to give you chance after chance to change and reach your potential. I want to understand you as a person and even why you act like you do. I even want to have fun.

Why must you see weakness instead of kindness?
Teachers are people too.

I know a lot of you have problems at home and even problems at school. Don't let me be another problem when I want to be the little corner of light in an otherwise dark situation.

I have problems too. I even have a family. I'm a single mom, a sister, a grand daughter and more I have down days and I try to smile for you.

Teachers are people too.

I spend nights awake thinking how I can reach you.
Sometimes I push my own kids away because I come home from school feeling so sad.

Teachers are people too.

posted on Jan 27, 2009 4:14 PM ()

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