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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Pretending Today Never Happened..

Pretending Today Never Happened..

In every sense of the word, today was the cliche Monday! The Monday of all Mondays!

And although I'm looking forward to tonight when my love gets home, I'd prefer to pretend that my whole work day never even happened!

Didn't want to get up this morning...

Went outside after "starting" my car with the remote starter only to realize it had never started!

Running late, heat on high, scraping the thick frost with a CD case (now why would I have a scraper living in upstate NY right?ll)

Then I remember I'd left my car on E so I had to make a trip to the gas station. It was a good thing actually because it gave my car a chance to unthaw the rest of the way.

After dropping Kev to his Dad's, I was finally on my way to school. It was a hectic, heavy traffic day and there must have been an accident because I could hear sirens.

Probably the most pertinent to the story is this...I didn't have time to stop for coffee!!

My prep periods were fine because I didn't have to talk but when it came time to teach (if you can call it that) ...I couldn't get a sentence to come out of my mouth! I was stumbling over my words, losing my track of mind and let's just say it was not a pretty event!

And I'm sorry to report that even though I tried to remedy the situation by stopping for coffee on my way to the h.s., it was too little too late! I drank a large coffee but my words continued to get tied up in my tongue and the students misbehaved..

and I didn't have the energy to fight them all..

It's like a video game with a teacher looking disheveled and panic stricken (that would be me) trying to fight off over 100 teenagers (way more interested in visiting with friends, throwing little papers at each other and getting themselves in trouble) than listening to lil o me stumble on my words and try to make sense of Spanish!

posted on Oct 20, 2008 2:05 PM ()


Monday's Suck... Period! -

Thank God today is Tuesday!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 21, 2008 6:06 AM ()
Wow not good...
comment by strider333 on Oct 20, 2008 6:17 PM ()
Now you have gas and an ice scraper after the trip to the gas station, so tomorrow will start off as a much better day
comment by stiva on Oct 20, 2008 4:00 PM ()
monday is officially over now!!! I saw one of customers buying something today. it looked like to go cup of coffee. apparently you pull some tab on it and it heats itself. I am going to have to try that! for emergency coffee issues. have a great night
comment by elkhound on Oct 20, 2008 3:56 PM ()
that is a bad day. I am glad that part is over now!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 20, 2008 2:39 PM ()
Sounds like a rough Monday morning! I have that trouble all the time so I feel your pain.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 20, 2008 2:37 PM ()
Oh me--I can't tell you adequately how well I understand. Too many times I found myself in that situation with words sticking to my tongue and to the roof of my mouth and students catching ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's or gazing longingly out the windows!
comment by angiedw on Oct 20, 2008 2:09 PM ()

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