G had today off for the long weekend and offered to come with me. He's so sweet and I took him up on this offer. Last night he gave me my usual Saturday, full body massage. I'm so lucky and I will never take him for granted.
After my shift this morning I'm going to the store to get stuff to cook out with and then getting all of the kids to spend the day by my Sister's pool. She won't be there though because she'll be on duty then.
I miss my sister. I know we've both been extra stressed with everything going on the past two weeks so we haven't seen as much of eachother and when we do, it's always strained.
My kids are really just falling almost as much in love with G as I am. I know it's hard to believe but it is also so awesome.
And my parents even act as though they feel they've known him forever. My dad and I had a good talk yesterday, a couple of them actually. He is so unbelievably happy that I'm finally happy.
It may sound awful and I'm not saying I regret any of my past, but I do feel like I've never been this happy in my life.
Now if I can just get my Dad feeling better.
