I went back to work yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I expected. G was still naseaus yesterday, but never actually vomited. Today he's just feeling drained but otherwise better.
Last night I went and did crafts for Christmas with my sister. It was soooo much fun! I stayed until after 9, making the coolest magnets ever. I cold post pics but honestly I know they couldn't do them justice. We cut out little pieces of magazine (pics, words, whatever); glued it to cardstock the same size as the magnet circle we traced; then we glued the cardstock to a magnet; and lastly we glued a clear color flat marble to it. It magnifies the little picture and they look so cool. Plus they are really strong magnets.
Yesterday morning I got an email from Kev's teacher that he "came in like a whirlwind" and when she asked him if he took his pill, he said no (he couldn't swallow it). I was upset that this was time 2 in 5 days that for one reason or another his dad didn't get his pill in him. Kev has never had trouble taking a pill. I called to tell the school that I would be right over to give it to him and I did on my route from the middle school to the high school. When he came down, I immediately noticed he was grumpy.
***I also noticed that when I saw him this weekend he was grumpy too and I was thinking because he doesn't take his pills on the weekends. But now I'm beginning to think there may be more... He was with his Dad Saturday night until Tuesday morning. This could have something to do with it. ***
So I hugged him at school and told him I brought juice and his medicine for him. He wasn't happy and didn't speak to me but he took it easy enough and went back to class.
After school he seemed okay, better than in school. G had no trouble with him while I was doing crafts...
Today I picked him up from school to go to tutoring and he was immediately mad and didn't want to go. He said it was because he hadn't had breakfast (must be dad didn't feed him) or lunch (he didn't like the school lunch and didn't think to ask me to pack it). I called the tutor and it turned out she forgot the appointment anyway, so we came right home.
We don't have a lot of snack foods in the cupboards right now but I offered him some toaster waffles. He didn't respond and we both got distracted with other things. He practiced his spelling with me. He called and talked to his gram on the phone. Then he came up and said he was hungry again. I didn't mean to snap at him, but I sort of did. He isn't usually so sensitive, but this time he is. He got mad at me and is currently in his room, under a cardboard box, covered with a blanket. He's crying. I tried talking to him, but he's not ready to talk.
I know his pain is deeper than wanting a snack and I so wish I could help him- take it away...or at least get him to talk to me.
This morning when I dropped him off at his Dad's, his friend was there...but that didn't seem to bother Kevin.
Maybe the meds are making him sad...
Last week in school, I had to have our school police officer escort a kid out of class who refused to leave (it's much more complicated than this). Well today, (the same kid) I saw him with a crumpled up paper ready to throw. I simply said (while my back was turned to the board) "I see you" and I was going to leave it at that. Well the wiseguy had to say "Yeah, I see you too." I told him to leave again and again he refused saying he wasn't doing anything and that I didn't have a "good reason" to kick him out. I told him that I would just call for an escort again and as I picked up the phone, he decided to get up. On his way out he called me a "dumb f'n c***". He's 14 by the way. There have been 2 parent meetings scheduled by neither time did they show up. When the principal called him in today, he told her too to "F off".
It helped my case though, because he was suspended for 2 days and then Monday we will have a meeting. If he doesn't sign the behavior contract we write up, he'll be immediately expelled from the class. And if he does sign it, just one slip up and he'll be out of the class.
Very rarely do things get resolved so easily in a school setting. I'm pretty happy with these results.
Now back to my house and home...
Riss has her choir concert tonight. I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep. Kev's still in his room. The crying has stopped. My guess...he probably cried himself to sleep and it will be hard to wake him for dinner and the concert.
Nope, he just peeked out but started crying again when I asked him if he was ready to talk about it.