Okay, here's a list of questions I'd love to see everyone pick up and run with. These are personal--not so personal ones. Just copy my questions and add your own answers and pass it on. Be honest!It's no fun if you're not. I tag mmmhollywould, busymichmom, and honeybugg.
1. How old are you? I am 43 and proud of it! I am quite comfortable with who I am at this point.
2. What is your favorite color? My fav color is purple too. I even had a nickname at one time, miss purple.
3. How old were you when you got your first kiss? Now this is a really telling question. Can you believe 19?? I was extremely painfully shy around boys!
4. Did you ever do something illegal? . I really don't think so, nothing comes to mind
5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments in life? There are so many! Lets see, when I got my first period, I was in school and everyone knew it. thats about the worse one, total mortification.
6. Did you ever win anything major? Nope, not even bingo. I once won a stuffed blue dog when I was a child.
7. Who was your first love? A guy named Michael who was in the Air Force, I thought it was love and was heart broken when he moved back to texas. I quickly got over it though.
8. What was your first car? A 1980 Ford Fairmont. My Dad co-signed the loan for me. This was in 1983 so it was not a new car. But I thought it was pretty cool, red with a white roof.
9. What is your favorite dessert? I have to pick one? again, another hard one. chocolate cake with chocolate icing
10. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope, never have. is there still time?
11. Have you ever been out of the USA? Nope, been to Colorado, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland. LOL
12. What is your most "unfavorite" food? well I don't really know, I stay away from foods I don't like and there aren't too many of those. I guess liver
13. Do you have a hobby? jewelry making, crocheting, reading, hiking, talking to friends
14. Are you a jealous person? No I am not, I actually very secure in my relationship.
15. What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness? my greatest strength, maybe I should have someone else answer that. my weakness, chocolate