I woke up at 9 this morning. Big oopsy. You see my alarm went off at 6 and instead of hitting snooze, I hit off. And hubby left early for work today so he didn't know I never got up. Kota woke up and asked me, do I have school today. heheheh I had to tell him what happened. He wasn't too upset with me. I guess I need to move my alarm clock across the room. Right now its within reach of just hitting the snooze button.
It is super cold, 24 with a wind chill of 11. The wind kept me awake last night, it was howling and shaking the house. I of course couldn't sleep anyway. I won't go into the gory details. It involves the other blog site and a blog war I am caught up in. I had let it go for 5 days and then I had another comment asking me to leave it alone. I thought I had. Anyhoo, it was working on my mind last night. I am wondering if I should just stay away from there permanently. It would be better for my mental health thats for sure. I mentioned before I am not going to censor myself here. But I also do not want to bore you with yet another blog war. *sigh*
Hubby keeps telling me, just walk away. Leave it alone. So other than mentioning it here, with no names involved, I guess I will.
I will have to venture out today to get my prescriptions filled and buy some groceries. I have no idea what to make for dinner. I had a dream about making chicken. LOL The other night I had a dream about Britney Spears, she was giving me some advice. Why can't I just have dreams about Vin Diesel?