1. It's Friday and I'm so glad, I've had all the fun I can handle for the week.
2. It's suppose to rain again today. It did yesterday for about 45 seconds. Rained so hard you couldn't see across the street...for about 45 seconds. That's it. Just enough for it to get extra steamy. Walking outside was like steping into a steam room. It does lovely things to your skin, but your hair doesn't like it. LOL
3. There is a spider stalking my desk...late yesterday afternoon he dropped from the ceiling and made a mad dash across my desk. I screamed like a girl and proceded to bash him (sorry Janetk) with my stapler...but he was faster than me. So I am on the lookout today.... if you hear loud bashing and me shreaking.....it's just me freaking out.
4. I had my yearly evaluation yesterday and I met and exceeded standards, and I have an infecious laugh. *ROFL* Which in case your wondering means it was good. *snorts*
5. Amy watch the mail...I plan to send what I promised this weekend. Just have to find a box...and some tape...and where the heck I put your address..
6. Several bloggers here on mybloggers are having some issues lately. Dragonflyby needs extra support as she lost her son recently. If you could stop by and give her a hug or words of comfort I'm sure she would appreciate it.
Hope everyone has a good weekend....and to all the Daddy's out there in Blog land...Happy Father's Day...
Hugs and Snugs..