Ok.....your driving down the road with the window open...and this drops on your head......
It was about 4 inches long...3 inches wide...and was bright yellow with green dots. It looked a little like this....but much bigger... What would you do??
posted on June 11, 2008 9:17 AM ()
I would scream like I was being murdered, no lie.
I would have freaked out at first then i would have taken a second look at it as i threw it back out the window!!
It's supposed to be good luck. And, in spite of the shock of it, you didn't crash, did you? So, it brought you luck!
I would take it as a sign of something awesome.
Good heavens! I'd probably have crashed the car... better the car than me!
Gorgeous! That's amazing! Is it a luna?
freak out and smack at it
Wow! After the initial shock and a girlish "eek!", I'd probably try to coax (or flick) it back out the window. So now the question is... what did you do?
Eat it. They're chock full of protein.
I would have a screaming fit
It's a moth! They are good luck
Feel a little bit startled and then let it back out the window very, very gently.But you know I'm a weirdo....