Last Thursday we had a job fair at work, and it had a really good turn job seekers that is. Several of the vendors we invited didn't show. But I think it was a good turn out regardless. I didn't make it home until after 9:00...which made for a long day, but it was for a good cause. Friday I was in meetings all day. Our annual one for work...which means they go over the same things as usual. I was looking forward to having the afternoon off...but at the last minute the powers that be scheduled Excel training. I pretty much know what I'm doing with it, but what can ya do.
It was six years this weekend that my dad made his trip to heaven. Hadly seems that long. Was missing him a lot. Tried to call my mom several times and the phone company said the phone wasn't working. It wasn't until I tried to call my Uncle that I realized I was dialing the wrong area code..I'm such a dork...LOL
Watched that Hillary Swank movie P.S. I love you Saturday and bawled all the way thru it. It was a good tear jerker kinda movie.
We have kittens at our least 4, but they are so wild you can't even look at them. I laughed yesterday when I went outside and one (a little grey and white one) was peaking out from under the lawn mower at me. If it's quiet outside in the late afternoon when it cools off you can see them playing out on the carport.
The Hubs is looking at trading his car for a small truck. Gas prices is really hitting us hard. I have to fill up twice a week at $50 bucks a pop..and so does Ken. So were spending like $600.00 + a month just on gas. So he's looking at something a little smaller.
Not much else going's suppose to rain today...I hope it does...maybe it will cool things off some. We have had a long string of 90 + days here...I think the weather guys said 8 or 9 days straight.
I've had a craving for Cheetoes lately...wonder what that means? LOL
Happy Tuesday...