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Southwestern Woman

Entertainment > Many Years and Still Counting.

Many Years and Still Counting.

Last night we listened to music and played a CD that we had recorded October 3l, l988. It was a concert by Leonard Cohen and the CD was faulty but it was wonderful anyway to see him once again with his distinctive style and his Angels singing harmony. I thought he was one of the world's sexiest looking men then. Sadly like all of us he grew old and I suspect that he carried a cane more to use than for effect. We must have been in the mood for nostalgia because we watched an old movie which was quite wonderful in it's own way, Oh Brother Where Art Though. I like to laugh before I settle down for the night. It seems to make the next day brighter. we had a tree service come and remove all the dead wood from last year's winter kill. They did a great job but my holly is down to one branch now. I hope we don't have that kind of winter this year. Some of the animals and birds froze to death in the winter cold. We ate the last of the home grown tomatoes yesterday. Next year I am going to container gardening because I am not up to weeding any more. My next door neighbor is too handy with weed spray and she has killed my squash two years in a row with her over spray. She is a nice person and doesn't mean any harm. That stuff will kill dogs by leading to liver failure and I have to wash Jose's feet after he gets on that the grass that has been treated. I made a batch of chicken enchilada soup and got it too hot for Ted so I will be eating it for the next three meals. My taste buds have probably been scorched with help from South of the Border.

posted on Sept 18, 2021 2:57 AM ()


You can sue that neighbor if you can prove she's responsible fro the spray! That's what it takes to make some people pay attention!
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 18, 2021 3:34 PM ()
She is a sweet person and I would not sue her because she is a good cook and always bringing something over. However I will change the location of my squash so over spray doesn't kill it.
reply by elderjane on Sept 20, 2021 2:18 AM ()
It took a long time for me to hear of Leonard Cohen. A song of his (sung by Rufus Wainwright) played on the car radio and the lyrics were so good -- and startling -- I grabbed a pen to write down the name.
comment by drmaus on Sept 18, 2021 9:02 AM ()
That concert on Austin City Limits was the first time we had ever seen him or heard of him. We were so fascinated that I called the station and asked for more information. I think maybe a lot of people missed out on seeing or hearing him. We vowed that if he ever had a concert within 500 miles of us, we would go but he never got that close.
reply by elderjane on Sept 20, 2021 2:23 AM ()
Yikes that your neighbor kills your squash! I wouldn’t want that spray anywhere near me. Maybe tell her you are going organic?
I like that movie! Runnoft!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 18, 2021 4:26 AM ()
That is a great suggestion. She is a good neighbor in every sense of the word and our dogs are friends too. They had cut a chunk out of the movie. I know Gone with the Wind is not politically correct but it is my favorite movie and has been so cut up that it is pitiful.
reply by elderjane on Sept 20, 2021 2:27 AM ()

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