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Southwestern Woman

Education > Teachers > Disasters and Blessings.

Disasters and Blessings.

Our hot water heater is leaking into the garage but the plumber will be here on Monday and I trust him, totally. He usually works on weekends but he and his wife are going to a family reunion and he is taking a very needed two days off. 2. The electric service failed at 3:30 this morning but thankfully it went back on at 5:30. When I tried to call, they told me there was a 30 minute wait time for an operator so I knew they were aware of it. They also told me to go online. I am afraid I screamed at them and said "We have no power, dummy!" I am sure it did not do the answering machine any trauma but it eased my frustration. 3. I usually walk Jose very early and we encountered a high end garage sale where I got a never used coach tote for fifty dollars and some lightly used Nikes in my size. Jose loves garage sales and endeared himself to everyone there by acting like he had never had any petting or love and was anxious to endear himself to everyone. After we h ad finished our walk, I went back to pay for my finds and they had totally fallen in love with him and sent him kind messages. It was a good experience being around sweet and gentle people. 4. My oldest grand daughter called to tell me that after resigning her band directors job, she was through with substitute teaching and had a position as fourth grade teacher at the Kid's school which is just a block from her house. She couldn't handle having three kids and being a band director because it was such a demanding job and required a lot of work at night. she was a music major and told me that perhaps the music would come later. She really misses it. In my opinion being a teacher is almost as bad as being in the medical field but she promised to take all the necessary precautions. This way, she will have the benefits that we all sought when we worked full time. I am very proud of Sara. Ted marveled at what a lovely young woman she had become because we remember the little girl who loved frilly dresses and make up.

posted on Aug 8, 2021 5:01 AM ()


A pick up truck ran into one of the larger poles/lines on 10th just west of Midwest Boulevard. I just happened to be going east on 10th at about Air Depot when it hit. A big green light in the sky and then BOOM all power disappeared. They say it wiped out a huge chunk of our fair city. I went on down there and saw the truck in a blaze of fire. The ambulance raced away West on 10th without heading to MWC hospital, but I'm sure they were only carrying a cadaver. I don't see how anyone could have survived.
comment by jerms on Aug 8, 2021 12:35 PM ()
I did not know what caused it but being without power really sucks! The last time when you went to Branson to wait it out was terrible. My next door neighbor bought a huge and very ugly big black kerosene stove to get through it and several ricks of wood.
reply by elderjane on Aug 9, 2021 5:05 AM ()
The truck was upside down.
reply by jerms on Aug 8, 2021 12:36 PM ()
Things sound good, once the power's back on. And the water heater fixed. (Do plumbers actually fix them? In my life they've only been replaced.) I like hearing about Jose.
comment by drmaus on Aug 8, 2021 7:23 AM ()
We are probably due for replacement. This one is ll years old. I am getting used to extreme home maintaining so it does not catch me with surprise any more.
reply by elderjane on Aug 9, 2021 5:08 AM ()
It sounds like you left Jose at the garage sale as collateral that you'd return with payment - good plan!

I look at the big appliances in my house and tell them they only have to last until I die, then I don't care what they do. I think the house is built around the giant chest freezer and walls will have to be removed if it ever needs to be replaced. It was new in 1985.
comment by traveltales on Aug 8, 2021 7:03 AM ()
No, I just told them I would be back, with money but they could not stop telling me how cute he was. Sometimes he sits up for people he does not know, just for attention and to make a good impression.
reply by elderjane on Aug 9, 2021 5:13 AM ()
Sounds like life has been semi decent! Glad your power is back, that’s always frustrating.
Jose sounds adorable.
Glad to hear how well your granddaughter is doing!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 8, 2021 6:16 AM ()
We are very proud of our grand children but we have a problem with the grand daughter in New York City. She won't give up on her dream of being a fashion designer and she is only getting about l0 hours work. It is well paid but she can't exist on it. I think she should come home and try to get a job as a buyer for a major department store. It is time for her to realize that all dreams do not come true. She is in major debt to my daughter who can ill afford to support her in such an
expensive venue. she has a degree in fashion design and it is pretty useless so far. we worry!
reply by elderjane on Aug 9, 2021 5:19 AM ()

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