I mailed my property taxes to the County and my income
prep statement to my lawyer who will do my taxes and I
feel a vast sense of relief. It is a hassle to get my stuff to Mark so he can do the taxes but it feels so good
to be through with both things and to go to the post office and send it certified mail.
Jose and I had a nice walk and he was much admired by the
neighbors even though he looks like a small piglet since
he has gained so much weight. I gave him a bath last night
and he is very fluffy. It is quite warm outside and he
panted a lot so we will have to go earlier in the day.
I have news from Jeremy Brooks. After three little daughters, he is expecting a son around April 2lst. He
and Jennifer are well. Jennifer keeps the little girls
all dressed up and with perfect hair.
We have all been on facebook and I feel that I have to
speak out or I would be complicit in the attack on our
democracy. My sister has not been friendly but then
Oklahoma is a nest of viperish Republicans. I can't believe how much havoc has been wreaked on our country in
such a short time.
Ted and I went out for Mexican food and Rex devoured our
left overs. If he were not so blonde, I would think he
had Latino blood in his doggy veins. He loves rice and
I hear from Mike and Fredo often. They have spring
fever and want to garden. Their garden is always very