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Home & Garden > Obituaries and More

Obituaries and More

I have heard from three friends that I never expected to because it has been a long time since we lost contact some how. In many ways,it has been delightful and in other ways sad. Both of our neighbors from across the road have passed away. Ted, best friend has lost his wife. The most charming one was of Celeste and Red and their daughter used a picture of them snuggled together when the were about to get married. On the brighter side was that two different long lost friends of mine called. It was so good to catch up and talk silly girl talk about not being to get to a hair stylist and such. Mine has grown long and witchy and the heat and humidity is n not helpful. Since my mask just messes it up even more, I don't stress about it. I color my own hair so that is not an issue. We needed a little frivolity in these grim times. The other call was from a close friend that I haven't seen since the pandemic started. I miss her. Her husband was in Vietnam at the same time ted was and they actually crossed paths there. I think we must all be so lonely that we are reaching out more. speaking of the pandemic, I have lost two friends and now Jeremy's wife has been diagnosed. I fear f them all and plan to see if he needs some shopping done. I would put it on the porch and ring the door bell. I stocked up yesterday because the virus is surging here and who knows when a quarntine will be necessary.

posted on July 26, 2020 4:19 AM ()


I try to keep up with what needs to be done for the same reason, although this county is doing very well. We have a few dicks who whine on fb about wearing a mask but somebody seems to come along and set them straight. The one thing I haven't done is get to the bank with two witnesses to sign some important docs. I know I really need to, but it's more difficult when it involves others. I hope is doesn't get a chance to bite me. I don't like procrastination.
comment by jjoohhnn on July 28, 2020 8:07 AM ()
Our bank is still open and I had to request that the teller wear a mask, it was in her lap. Every thing went wrong yesterday but I am COPING.
reply by elderjane on July 29, 2020 4:15 AM ()
I had to cut Ed's hair -- trust me shaggy in the older population is a no. I cut my own hair. When Ed was in rehab, a lovely woman came in and cut the hair of the residents.She did a great job. I got her number, thinking I would try her since she also works out of her home. That's all on hold now.
and then this virus thing hit.
comment by tealstar on July 27, 2020 7:01 AM ()
This virus is a real bummer. It even eats into our beauty routines. Ted got his cut by our stylist and I am down to the point of letting him cut mine. I had to cancel my appointment with Christina and now I despair of ever getting another one.
reply by elderjane on July 28, 2020 3:07 AM ()
I too share the witchiness of hair out of control. I was calling mine the swamp hag look. My hair won't stay pinned or clipped up, either. I keep vacillating about cutting off about 6 inches of it.
comment by drmaus on July 26, 2020 11:46 AM ()
I can't seem to wear mine up like I usually do in the heat and humidity,
It is hanging down like a teen agers and I am an old woman.
reply by elderjane on July 27, 2020 2:28 AM ()
Hey! Your hair looked just fine the other day!! Loved those rose colored glasses!
Thanks a bundle for the offers to help. We're well stocked and doing well, but it's so kind of you to ask. Love my "MyBloggers" friends.
Jennifer is feeling better and the worst seems to be past us. However, we lost of couple of elderly friends from Virginia and we know others who are struggling with it.
comment by jerms on July 26, 2020 9:39 AM ()
Remember that I am always ready to share if you need staples. I know you can cook so I don't worry about that. Tell Jennifer we are so glad that she is not having a bad case of the virus. I was fearful that it might
infect the children.
reply by elderjane on July 27, 2020 2:31 AM ()
Oh no! That’s scary that Jeremys wife is confirmed positive.
I’m sorry for your losses my friend, it has to be hard.
I’m sure yoir hair looks great! I know I’m quite disheveled In appearance these days but luckily I couldn’t care less.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 26, 2020 6:17 AM ()
My best mask also fastens in the back so there is no hope for hair. I usually just use eye make up because that all that shows so vanity is sort of the thing of the past. I remember that when we lived in virginia the humidity was even worse than here. I loved the fb picture of Skylar
feeding the ducks!!
reply by elderjane on July 27, 2020 2:35 AM ()

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