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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Naming


I am constantly amazed at the trend in naming children
during the last two decades.

How about Destiny and Journey? Adrienne has two friends
with those names. Then there are the McKenzie's and the
Hunter's and all the other last names masquerading as first

I am so dreadfully old fashioned that I think children
should have a first name and a middle name so they can
choose which one they like best. When a girl gets married,
she can choose to use her maiden name as a middle name or
keep it if she prefers.

This is so trivial in the grand scheme of things but
going through life as Journey seems difficult to me.

posted on Dec 1, 2013 5:10 AM ()


I actually went back to trends of old when we were considering baby girl names, and I must admit I had the same reaction, just opposite I guess? There are days I wish we had gone with Helena as a first name, but people pronouncing it wrong all the time would have driven me batty.
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 17, 2013 5:54 AM ()
I haven't heard of a Destiny or Journey, but there are a few Trinity(s) around. It's Madison that bothers me the most. In the case I'm thinking of it's a girl, but I think it can be either. Then there's Joan Dobbs (greaser on fb now) granddaughter Bailey. She's dating Bailey (a boy). I mean, really! And then there's the colored folks who just seem to throw a few letters together and call it a name.... Yeah, old fashioned too in a different way.... John, Paul, George and Richard.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 2, 2013 1:23 PM ()
Two of my favorite guy names or John, Edward and Richard. I haven't heard
Trinity before as a name, in fact not much at all. When I was working as
a speech pathologist in the schools, we used to collect outrageous names.
Our favorite was Auquanetta which doesn't seem wild at all now.
reply by elderjane on Dec 3, 2013 2:59 AM ()
I remember one time thinking I could never have a lawyer or accountant named Kyle, because I just couldn't take anyone with that name seriously, but years later there are much, much sillier names, including ridiculous spellings of some of the old standards. My cousin who got married in Laredo a couple of years ago just named her first son: Massimo Aquino because 'they both love Italy and Italian, so there you have it.' I wanted to respond that a lot of people give their first kid a weird name, just showing off, but Flory did the same thing with hers, so I couldn't say it. She named her daughter Aleuthea, which means something in Hebrew because Flory is getting her pHd in Hebrew to the degree it applies to Catholicism. The rest of the kids have normal names.
comment by troutbend on Dec 2, 2013 8:56 AM ()
I tend toward the old fashioned names but there were some doozies in my
family. Theophilous William kept occurring down through the years and
my great uncle was the last one with that cross to bear.
reply by elderjane on Dec 3, 2013 3:09 AM ()
I am sure you brought it your own individual luster. I thought Destiny
was terrible but I am giving Journey five stars for horrible.
comment by elderjane on Dec 1, 2013 4:05 PM ()
On the other hand, I got saddled with a name I don't like at all. I can't even say it was because my parents were old-fashioned. They just chose something that mimicked my Greek name, but it was given to everyone's maiden aunt. I won't even mention it. I like to think I raised it to a new level of acceptance by not being traditional myself.
comment by tealstar on Dec 1, 2013 6:09 AM ()
I goofed, comment is above.
reply by elderjane on Dec 2, 2013 3:29 AM ()

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