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Southwestern Woman

Cities & Towns > Life Goes On

Life Goes On

I have nothing spectacular to report except that our two favorites of all Ted's brothers passed away in the last few months. One of the unfavorite and greedy brothers got a power of attorney and cheated the son and rightful heir out of all material goods. The other brother, that we both dearly loved died of lymphoma and Lewey body syndrome. I don't have spell check so bear with me. We vacationed with them often. He got the most devoted care and his two daughters moved back home to help my sister in law. It helped that his wife was an R.N. and knew what to do but a lot of wives would have put him in a nursing home. I have nothing but admiration for Nova. She came and spent a night here and we enjoyed it immensely. Especially for John: I had ripe tomatoes by July 6. I always plant a few Early Girls so we will have vine ripened tomatoes for breakfast. To get them that early, I plant and then cover them if we are presented with low temperatures. I went to a neighborhood meeting and one of the members went on a tirade about all democrats being communist. He is one that inherited a lot of wealth and probably thinks his taxes might be raised. I, for one, hope they are. We have a city council meeting that we have to attend to protest the construction of aparments in our neighborhood. It would really impact property values and flood our schools and create hazordous traffic. Oh well, I am sending a letter of protest. Be well and be happy. It is hot as hell here now but I think it may rain today.

posted on July 10, 2021 7:33 AM ()


A lot of us democrats are more communist than we used to be. Trump can make anyone a reactionary.
comment by drmaus on July 12, 2021 1:59 PM ()
Communism and Socilism are not the same thing. The best system is one in which Capitalism, the ability to proper through your own efforts and Socialism that helps you if you don't have the ability to do it al on your own -- things like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, are socialist programs. We are as god a country as what we do for the least of us.
reply by tealstar on Sept 2, 2021 6:05 AM ()
So true and I hope the anti trump feeling is growing although one would never notice it in Oklahoma. Our Governor is definitely trump for life.
reply by elderjane on July 13, 2021 5:58 AM ()
I really don't understand why a geezeer would steal the inheritance of the younger generation. Guess he didn't have a will.
Cgts on the tomatos. I have small green ones but nothing ripe yet. For as hot and humid as it's been I surprised that the squash isn't further along also. But it too is flowering.
comment by jjoohhnn on July 10, 2021 7:50 AM ()
My squash is so over. The heat got it but we did get to enjoy beer battered squash a few times.
reply by elderjane on July 11, 2021 1:13 AM ()

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