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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Happenings


My sister and I received a financial blow. Like many Oklahomans, we rely on oil royalties for some of our income. Sheridan Petroleum, a large company in Houston just took bankruptcy and with it went a good bit of our money. we are learning to scrimp all over again. I just made a big pot of bean soup, the recipe is courtesy of Laura Emerson and that is my gesture toward saving money. It is very good and requires several different kinds of beans and peppers and seasonings, plus ham or pork. I also shopped at the dollar tree for birthday sacks and ribbons. I am having a birthday luncheon for a good friend in a couple of weeks. I have not decided on a menu yet. Our new Governor, is a surprise there...but he has disallowed the mansion tours for now and my guess is permanently since he has six children and is probably worried about security. I am sorry about that because it was fun leading the tours and telling about the antiques and where they came from. He is as religious as Pence so they have told us we can no longer tell about the supposed haunting by a former governor, Alfalfa Bill Murray. The changes in seasons has brought a little chill in the mornings so I have to walk Jose a little later in the day. This is my favorite season and I love Halloween. It gets hot again by ten o'clock. 90 has brought with it some very real changes for me. I have to be careful walking because my balance is poor and I slowed down considerably. I do not relish these changes but haven't deteriorated to the point of a cane or a walker. I REFUSE! Cleaning and yard work have become difficult for me but I have a robo vac and that helps. I also have the twins but I have to make a valiant effort to keep Ted from firing them. One would think the state of the grass is a spiritual issue, but then all the Hinkle men obsess about something. I think I will solve the problem by shopping for a small (very small) riding lawn mower that he can use.

posted on Oct 5, 2019 5:11 AM ()


We have a riding mower that Ed used maybe 4 times. Now we have a landscaper who is taking care of the grounds. The mower sits in the garage taking up a lot of space and needs a repair because it isn't working. Ed once said he wanted to get a composter. I freaked out. No way, no way, said I. It will attract bugs and vermin and you won't take care of it. He got the message.
comment by tealstar on Oct 10, 2019 10:05 PM ()
I have never seen anything that would qualify as a very small riding mower. Forty-two inch is about as small as they get to my knowledge.

One question: How does an oil company go belly-up?
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 5, 2019 3:00 PM ()
We can order a 29 inch mower which is sufficient for our needs, from Lowes. We saw one and it got sold before we could act. I guess the oil company over extended themselves and cheated on royalty payments and were facing a class action suit. They pulled a Donald and filed before any of us could get the money we were owed. We should get some of it eventually but property taxes eat us alive and they are due about now.
reply by elderjane on Oct 5, 2019 3:37 PM ()
I am trying. I have much the same issues as Jon Adams, if you are keeping up with him on face book. He arrived at his just ten years earlier than I did. I despise walking like an old lady.
comment by elderjane on Oct 5, 2019 11:20 AM ()
I have to add that the last thing any of us need is a Republican governor with "religious" values.
comment by tealstar on Oct 5, 2019 7:25 AM ()
Ain't that the truth. He is an ardent pro lifer!
reply by elderjane on Oct 5, 2019 11:17 AM ()
I too am dealing with older life issues. I am not at mortal risk but there is a lot of pain involved. So sorry you are having to cut back financially. That is a big deal and it takes all the fun out of things. Why don't you post the bean soup recipe. I'm trying to add to my menu.
comment by tealstar on Oct 5, 2019 7:24 AM ()
I will, it is probably very healthful.
reply by elderjane on Oct 5, 2019 11:18 AM ()
Riding mowers rock, do it! I’m sorry to hear about your oil money! That is terrible. I’m glad you are still being as active as ya can, I’m sure that makes a big difference overall!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 5, 2019 7:14 AM ()
Jose and I still walk and it takes forever since he has to pee on every blade of grass and every fire hydrant and telephone pole. I often see cats but he goes blind when they cross our path. the cats adopt the same strategy and I chalk it up to previous experience. Hope your birthday was Fabulous!
reply by elderjane on Oct 5, 2019 3:41 PM ()

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