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Southwestern Woman

Home & Garden > Dullsville


I am going to have to have some recreation soon and it might just be an overnight in a luxurious hotel but Ted is dragging his feet. He is more interested in putting up some kind of privacy screen that will infuriate the neighbors on the west. If we do anything, I would like stockade all the way around or a lattice screen so that we can have some privacy on the back porch. It all started over a homeless cat that we have been feeding. They hate cats and throw things at him (or her). We have named the cat Nadine after Adrienne's imaginary friend. We thought it fitting because Adrienne told us that we couldn't meet Nadine because she only traveled at night. So does the feline Nadine. We are still involved with the Robin family. No sooner had the first family departed than a new robin couple moved in and hatched four little eggs in the same nest. We think one perished but then the nest is so crowded it is hard to tell. I hope they are done when these little ones fly away. This mama robin has a scolding hissy fit when I go out the front door. We have learned one thing about Robins. They seem much friendlier to humans than most birds. Even the babies cheep at us.

posted on June 5, 2021 4:12 AM ()


Get away! It's very healthy for the mind and soul. We enjoyed a few days in San Antonio recently and did practically nothing the whole time. The kids would live in the water if we would allow it, so lots of poolside time was enjoyed by all.
comment by jerms on June 6, 2021 11:44 AM ()
I vote for some lattice privacy for you on your back porch AND a welcome respite in a nice hotel. I love that you care for Nadine. Throwing things at wild/feral animals is abuse! And I have always adored robins. I love it that they are fond of your trees and bushes and like nesting in your yard. Such a compliment!!
comment by marta on June 5, 2021 5:37 PM ()
We feel flattered to have the robins on our front porch and they appear to relate to us differently than other birds. One intimate glance into robin life was when one of the little ones stood up and scratched his tumy witg his little beak. They aren't much larger than my thumb.
reply by elderjane on June 6, 2021 4:13 AM ()
What kind of neighbors complain about a privacy fence?
comment by jjoohhnn on June 5, 2021 5:14 PM ()
We have lived side by side for ll years with no problems but this year she is determined to cause trouble. They are horrible to animals. She does not want Nadine to sit on her tacky deck furniture. Lattice is going up wednesday so we will have some privacy.
reply by elderjane on June 6, 2021 4:19 AM ()
Several robins "administer" my lawn and eat things from it, but I haven't seen the eggs or nest. They might be the ones who nest in the pine tree, because when I take the trash out at night I wake up some birds who get snippy.
comment by drmaus on June 5, 2021 12:54 PM ()
They love to scold when they get frustrated by too many trips out our front door. I don't mind because I have seen how hard they work, finding worms for their children. those gaping little mouths have to be fed.
reply by elderjane on June 6, 2021 4:26 AM ()
Do it! Get a hotel room and relax in luxury.
Your neighbors sound awful.
I’d be furious with them.
comment by kristilyn3 on June 5, 2021 6:57 AM ()
We have about decided to take a cruise in January 2022. We need it. That poor cat is so stealthy it cannot even enjoy the food I put out for
him. I do not want to even see those nieghbors so the lattice is going up.
reply by elderjane on June 6, 2021 4:32 AM ()
Once or twice a year we have an invasion of robins that camp out in our cotoneaster (co-tone-ee-ass-ter) bush and eat the berries. This year, maybe due to last year's poor air quality due to wildfires all over the west, we aren't seeing as many robins, and our hummingbird population has been affected, too.
comment by traveltales on June 5, 2021 6:19 AM ()
There are so many animals around due to the two open fields. The blackbirds and the doves are aloof. We have observed that the black birds seen to fly around in groups of 20 .Your humming bird feeders looked like solid little birds all he way around the feeder in years past. Iknow you will be missing them this year.
reply by elderjane on June 6, 2021 4:40 AM ()

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