Nic G


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Life & Events > Relationships > One Night in a Bar I Didn't Meet a Woman

One Night in a Bar I Didn't Meet a Woman

I'm sitting at my table alone, watching the people go about their lives. I'm a people watcher, I love to sit alone and witness people doing what they do. It's like having company without the hassle of awkward conversation. So in walks a group of people, all around college age, 3 women and a man. The man was a boyfriend to one of the women in the group. They take a table a few away from mine and put in a couple songs for the karaoke D.J. They were all very good looking people, but one of the women stuck out more than the rest. She was extremely good looking. She had gorgeous hair and an awesome smile. Her hair reminded me of Sarah Jessica Parker in that shampoo commercial, only her's was a very deep auburn. So I watched her a bit and noticed the things she did and the songs she clapped to. She seemed to like the country songs the most. She didn't go up to sing but she sang along with all the songs she clapped to. I would guess she's some kind of an athlete because she was in extremely good physical shape. She seemed to be just a little bit shy but not to the point where it would hurt her in a conversation. I'd guess her to have come from an upper class family, not rich but the family never had a problem paying the bills. I'd guess she didn't have a boyfriend but she did have a guy friend she liked to hang out with from time to time. He's probably one of those 'nice guy' types. He really likes her alot but she doesn't like him "that way". So he just keeps hanging around because he wants her to like him so much that he's blind to her rejections. She doesn't really realize he likes her as much as he does so she doesn't see what it does to him to be that close to her and not be able to have her heart.

Now I don't just sit alone at the bar in the corner stalking people, that would be creepy. I do, however, like to go sing karaoke and if I happen to go alone I don't go looking to meet new people, most people I've met in bars tend to not really be the kind of people I get along with as I'm not really much of a big party crowd kind of person. I'm more of a one on one type, I like to have close conversations with a single person more than trying to mingle with the whole crowd. So anyway, when I'm alone I like to try to read people and figure out what they're like. I'm not claiming to be psycic or some kind of awesome mind reader but the people I've met after reading them have usually turned out to be pretty close to what I guessed them to be like.

I've never actually written about a complete stranger before and I probably won't ever again, and I may or may not ever see this woman again. That doesn't matter though, I have no interest in her as she's way too young. I'm guessing for the most part I'm pretty close on her, I'm sure the details are different but for the most part just about all of it is true in some way or another. She seems like a really nice girl, does well in school and generally is a pretty happy person.

After writing this it kind of makes me wonder if a person would be flattered or offended that a complete stranger spent a few minutes noticing them and then took the time to write about them and what they wondered them to be like. Now I'm not some wacked out stalker that goes around looking for young women to drool over, I just like to watch people, I guess I'm a bit of a voyeur. I watch kids playing and laughing, young women giggling with their friends, older couples enjoying each other's company and everyone between them. The trick is not to burn holes in them while staring at them, people tend to get a little nervous about someone staring at them for long periods of time.

So anyway, what do you think, is it creepy to write about people you don't know? Should I never ever do it again? Or is it just human nature to wonder about people you will never meet? Would you get mad if you found out this happened to you?

posted on June 29, 2008 2:13 PM ()


I must be a lot like you cause you pretty much described what I do. I love to watch people and due to this I can read most people pretty good.
comment by panthurdreams on June 30, 2008 2:57 PM ()
It seems to me that you actually connect with people, even if the other party has no idea. You've noticed someone. You've given thought to them. It's kind of refreshing to read about someone who enjoys seeing other people. The alternate to that is being self centered and never seeing anyone other than yourself.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 30, 2008 9:13 AM ()
No, I don't it is odd to look at someone and then write about them - provided it isn't sort of 'fantasy-based' - you know what I mean
I think that by looking at 'people' and studying their 'ways' (for want of a better word), we have some of the best novels/films etc.
You think, all the people you have looked at, may one day, find them in a 'book', you might pen one evening
comment by augusta on June 30, 2008 8:51 AM ()
you know brian, I lived the straight/bi life for years. Hell I was married and have a kid, but I sat down and said to my self "self, quit the bullshit and go where your heart is!" Playing straight may be the easy way out, but the hard road is only hard because it's worth it.-At least you didn't ever try to fool yourself
comment by ducky on June 29, 2008 5:30 PM ()

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