Nic G


Nic G
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Welcome To The Dollhouse

Entertainment > A Look at TV and Movies

A Look at TV and Movies

Bosom buddies, pals, chums. Tom Hanks is a cross dresser, so is Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams too. Don't forget the dunkin donuts guy. The Rock did it on S. N. L. But then again, who didn't? The entire cast of kids in the hall. That was a funny show. My favorite skit on that show was the one when the short guy, Dave something, played the little kid that brought the businessman home. He answered to I think it was Mr. Stevens??? I'm pretty sure that was the name. Sadly the little boy couldn't keep his new pet. Businessmen need to be with their own kind, free to roam the city streets looking for a new business deal. It was a bittersweet ending. The little boy was sad to see his pet go, but he knew it was the right thing to do. He knew Mr. Stevens would be happier out in the wild, free to seek out mergers and stock exchanges and business lunches.

Then there was the classic spy movie spoof "Top secret!" Starring Val Kilmer. The villain, Nigel, Dressed up as the backside of a cow. Shortly thereafter a bull mistook it for the real thing and Rover got a bone of his own. That was pretty funny, but apparently very painful by the look on his face.

And who could forget the originators of cross dressing? That's right, none other than Monty Python! My favorite anything from them ever is The Holy Grail. I could recite that movie from start to finish, but I won't spoil it for you or bore you to death with it. I will say this though, "He's not just an ordinary bunny rabbit! It's the most vicious foul tempered rabbit ye eva seen!"

Well that concludes my look at celebrity cross dressers. I'm sure I missed some, but then again, I didn't do any research on this. I just did it all by memory, so can you really blame me for missing them? Tune in next time, ( there may or may not be a next time) when I revisit another movie/T. V. drama

*** I'm forgetting to mention Milton Berle, When he dressed in womens clothes, middle america laughed themselves sick.

All of this seems passe now, but there was a time when this type of thing was funny/daring comedy. Now we are all so much more open minded.

Is it better this way?

posted on June 24, 2008 11:12 AM ()


I think some people are more open minded while others still are not accepting of people who are different.
comment by lunarhunk on June 24, 2008 2:45 PM ()
Hmmmmm... good post. Are folks more open minded? I don't know sometimes.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 24, 2008 12:31 PM ()

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