Nic G


Nic G
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News & Issues > A Donkey, and Elephant and America Walk into a Bar

A Donkey, and Elephant and America Walk into a Bar

Funny, I wrote this over a year ago. Some names have changed, but not much else. And the last line still holds pretty damn true.

'The Republican and Democratic frontrunners for president in 2008 have to stop making me throw up until at least 2007. The Republicans had a straw poll for the 2008 presidential election. 2008? The Democrats still have work to do losing the midterms. Diebold hasn't even started printing the false ballots!

And President "McDumbass" still has two more years of bloopers, boners and practical jokes!

But an interesting thing happened at this straw poll. Senator John McCain, the man the Vietnamese couldn't crack in torture chambers, got up and said, "Don't vote for me. Vote for George Bush, even though he can't run again." Wow, this guy is so far up Bush's ass, he can taste the near-beer. Because, in America, if you want the nomination bad enough, we can't just see you eat dirt; we have to watch you lick it off your lips.

And if you're going to win a national election, we're going to need to see some real proof that you're stupid enough to carry Kansas. Sorry, but if you think that issues like creationism or flag-burning or boys kissing are more important than messing up Iraq, the state of health insurance and the evaporating planet earth, then I have two words for you: the Sylvan Learning Center. Okay, that's four words, but the point remains...

The vote that frontrunners McCain and Hillary Clinton have already made very clear they're going after the wedge-issue cement-heads. McCain, who once called Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "forces of evil," has now come out for teaching "intelligent design." That is sad, when smart people have to pretend to be so dumb to get elected.

Hillary Clinton is all upset about flag-burning. Really? The valedictorian at Wellesley? The graduate of Yale Law School? Is upset about flag-burning?! And not just flag-burning. She's also come out hard against sexy video games and easy access to abortions. Great. What am I supposed to do now on Saturday night?

But if, like Hillary Clinton, America sees you as a true intellectual—and by that, of course, I mean lesbian—you have to smile extra wide when you get fitted for your "I'm with Stupid" tee-shirt. It may look easy, but when you're a politician, it's hard to figure out 'what would soccer moms think Jesus would do' before you answer every question.

So, don't get me wrong. I love idiots. I just don't think they should be in charge. And I'll tell you why. Because the majority of Americans are not idiots. Assholes, yes. But, idiots, no.'

Now tell me, Now that we are closer to November, and other than the Obama Phenom. What's changed and what is your opinion?

posted on June 11, 2008 4:38 AM ()


The theater of American politics is an ongoing reality show that puzzles us. We keep seeing the morons, week after week, until we are so anesthetized we actually believe change may come.

Where have you been hiding?
comment by jondude on June 12, 2008 5:49 AM ()

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