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Life & Events > Boring > Unevents


Last Friday I received my 2nd vaccination, and felt fine until later in the evening. Then suddenly every muscle I owned hurt, even my fingers ached, and I felt sick to my stomach. This lasted until early the next day. At least now I feel my immune system has been started.

I’m still trying to get started with growing a few things, in spite of the crazy weather. Burpee sent my order of a blueberry bush, and since I pick up my mail at a paid place once a week (I forgot to have this mailed to my house), it was pretty dried out by the time I got it. But with water and some indirect sun indoors at first, it’s come back to life just fine.

Found out you shouldn’t use mothballs to deter rodents. It sounds like they really should be banned, since they’re carcinogenic and more. Everything I read seemed to be saying it was rather cruel to use against animals. You don’t want to be breathing the fumes, either. I really didn’t know how bad they were; I thought they were made from ammonia. So I have to rake up the few I threw outdoors under the house, and trash them. Peppermint spray can work to keep rodents away instead, I guess. So that’s why there were no mothballs in the stores.

It is stunning how boring and uneventful my life is.

posted on May 2, 2021 5:24 PM ()


Re: noise in the garage: most of the flashing lights & lots of noise can be achieved by pushing the panic button on the car remote from inside the house, not very complicated. While we're fantasizing, let's picture the rodents running around in circles in a state of confusion and ultimately dropping dead from too much stimulation. If only.
comment by traveltales on May 4, 2021 11:55 AM ()
that's a good scenario.
reply by drmaus on May 6, 2021 9:15 AM ()
I used to put a few mothball on the travel trailer and never had a mouse problem It's parked maybe 15 feet from an unmowed pasture so I have to give the balls at least some credit.
Donna and I both had Moderna. I had chills the second afternoon and evening and she had a bump on her arm at the injection site, but that was it. We're both more than two weeks past the second dose now. There's a local blood drive on Thursday but i can't make an appointment since I don't know what time I can get there. But I'll stop in on my way home as a walk-in and see how busy they are. I want to know for sure that I have Covid antibodies!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 4, 2021 9:10 AM ()
I just lost my sense of smell and taste in the last day or so. That's not supposed to happen with the vaccine, which I had 10 days ago. Tried lighting matches and I can't really smell the smoke. Then I realized I hadn't been able to taste yellow mustard last night, either. Not sure what's going on. No other symptoms, however.
reply by drmaus on May 6, 2021 9:17 AM ()
Don't knock boring and uneventful. We are vaccinated and free to go out within limits. Call a friend and go out for a nice meal at a plush restaurant.
comment by elderjane on May 3, 2021 3:16 AM ()
I'm definitely looking forward to going out with all of my sisters, again. The oldest one is extremely cautious and this would be her first restaurant visit since days of yore (last spring).
reply by drmaus on May 3, 2021 9:02 AM ()
One of my neighbors swears by peppermint oil mixed with water, sprayed around, but I don't think I have good luck with it - still plenty of mice.

Some folks in this area use ammonia to repel bears - they put some in an open jug near their deck, and the fumes are supposed to work. I don't think rodents pay any attention to it. Other people swear by cayenne pepper & black pepper sprinkled around to discourage the bears, but there again I don't think the rodents care.

I think there is a good-sized critter in my attached garage - every so often I hear a strange noise, don't know what it is, then I'll go into the garage and see that something has been tipped over.

The other day several bottles in the recycling got knocked over, that had a distinctive sound that I could identify. I was scared to go in there and start poking around, so I opened the big garage door for a couple of hours hoping they'd leave. It's more likely that more came in.
comment by traveltales on May 2, 2021 8:24 PM ()
Deer and mice are probably critters that can ignore a lot if they're getting their food. Your wildlife always gets me thinking of things like my brother used to, who planned absurd burglar alarms. If I lived in your area, I'd put an Alexa out in the garage, with the volume turned way up. Then use my phone to ask that Alexa to play Latin music or news whenever there's a strange noise out there. Add in some battery-powered motion sensor lights that sit in the garage all the time. Possibly a couple of those noisy battery-powered barking dog toys that you could turn on and toss in the garage as well, if you heard something. What do you think? These might at least scare some things out.
reply by drmaus on May 3, 2021 8:48 AM ()

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