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Health & Fitness > Cheap Champagne

Cheap Champagne

It’s after nine, so I hereby dub this the cheap champagne hour. The last three days call out for it, and that’s what I happen to have, so…

It was yesterday that one sister decided to drop by with unasked-for chicken, supplements and a bunch of suggestions which were actually insists. In the space of her brief visit, she managed to tell me how I was doing my yard wrong, my trash bagging wrong, I was wrong about what color my new living room drapes should be, and more.

This same sibling, a few weeks back, asked my opinion on something political, then asked me not to vote. She once, when the family was all staying at her house overnight, gave me instructions on how to go to the bathroom at her house. I don’t think she gave this instruction to anyone else in the family, just me.

I hope in my interactions with people that I don’t forget to show them respect, and that I avoid telling them what to do and how to do it as if they were mentally deficient.

But on to other events. Mike is having health problems and is afraid of either a stroke or that he’ll have to get a pacemaker. His condition is actually kind of a mystery, and the doctors haven’t found out yet what is going on. Lots of tests, therefore. I hope tonight he doesn’t have another bad night.

I might go watch some videos of Bernadette Banner on youtube sew some insanely perfect handseams in some Victorian outfit she’s making to wear. She’s obsessive and I like watching these.

posted on May 13, 2020 6:30 PM ()


My mother was exactly like this so I can be sympathetic. She was a control freak and often appeared without any warning whatsoever to tell me all the things I was doing wrong. Be firm next time and follow Teal's advice.
comment by elderjane on May 14, 2020 6:06 AM ()
You're right, I will have to prepare my responses in the future, because otherwise I just am rude.
reply by drmaus on May 14, 2020 7:20 AM ()
Your sister is a control freak, and seems to be focusing on you. A suggestion for the next time ...Look her in the eye and say, "Sorry, dear, but you don't get to tell me what color my drapes should be (or whatever she is harassing you about). Has she always been this way with you?
comment by tealstar on May 13, 2020 9:55 PM ()
Yes, she's always been like this, and being immediately younger than her in the family I am an especial target. But everyone gets it from her sometimes.
reply by drmaus on May 13, 2020 10:38 PM ()
I know it's not funny to you, but I was laughing because it's so much like a visit from my sister and mother back when I had a sister and a mother. You have us. We would never say those things.
comment by traveltales on May 13, 2020 7:05 PM ()
Well, yes she does sound hilarious (until she's there, getting under your skin). She's a weird character.
reply by drmaus on May 13, 2020 10:37 PM ()
This may sound horrible but it is meant for my relationship---I am glad my brother and I didn't speak for the last 30 years!
comment by greatmartin on May 13, 2020 6:48 PM ()
Right, you can't pick your biological family.
reply by drmaus on May 13, 2020 10:29 PM ()

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