I frequently photograph my paintings as I work. There are things I can see in a photograph that I do not see on the canvas- like, boy, are her hands big! Don't know if I will try to make her hands smaller or adjust her upper body to "fit" the hands. One of the drawbacks of oils is that either adjustment will be a pain in the a..s. (Also going to have to see if it is due to camera distortion as the canvas was not straight.)
I intended to paint her sitting on the front steps of a house, then opted for a park bench. The angle of the bench is wrong too, so after several coats of gesso, I will be able to redraw it. Some paintings just fall into place. Others are a struggle. This one is fighting me all the way.
BTW: Can't add the strong highlights and shadows until this dries. Can't add the pattern in her skirt yet either. Oils are a process. While acrylics are faster, it really feels great to be working in oils again. The way oils apply to the canvas truly feels like creating versus just painting.