Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
Brandon, FL
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Brush Strokes

Arts & Culture > Staying Occupied

Staying Occupied

I am not up to tackling a 'real' painting yet, but I am playing around with watercolor and pastels. The top one (?) can only see a code as I write, but the one of Seminoles is a watercolor while the little boat headed for the harbor is a pastel. Interesting how the mind works. The one of the Seminoles is called "Homecoming" while the pastel is titled "Safe Harbor".

I am feeling very sad tonight. The shock is wearing off and I find myself crying off and on throughout the day. I guess it is to be expected right now. Tomorrow I am taking my camera and going on a photo shoot with a friend. It will do me good to get out.

Ok, I will show you one more. This is a painting I did maybe ten days after Tod died. I think it is acrylic. I named it 'Farewell'.

posted on July 7, 2008 9:12 PM ()


Thank you! It may take a while before I get back to paining something worth exhibiting, but in the mean time I will keep dabbling.
comment by dragonflyby on July 16, 2008 7:14 AM ()
Dottie, I cannot express in words how your fabulous artwork is "healing" to others! I am so glad to witness each one and understand that your "pain" and "healing" processes work thru each creation! You are SO talented...but most of are the "Strongest" human I have ever known!
Now, I wanna see MORE...and MORE!!!Not to be pushy! I am always here for you!!
comment by haddox101 on July 15, 2008 10:56 AM ()
They are all lovely. Safe Harbor is my favorite. Tears will help you heal and so will your art. You will never get completely over losing Todd but it will become more bearable.
comment by elderjane on July 11, 2008 5:36 AM ()

Dottie, I am moved by your paintings. I hope you realize how truly talented you are. What a beautiful gift to share with us. Thank you.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 10, 2008 4:14 PM ()
Honey that is real painting
comment by grumpy on July 8, 2008 8:56 PM ()
Dottie, you are so incredibly talented. It looks like painting really helps you express some of the feelings you are experiencing. I hope it is helping with your healing. I am really thinking so much about you.
comment by lunarhunk on July 8, 2008 1:45 PM ()
Dottie,liked them all.The first one is great.
very nice,you do a beautiful job there.
Time will heal Dot.It is going to be a while.
Take each day at it comes.((((((A Big Hug)))))))))))))))))))))))
comment by fredo on July 8, 2008 9:22 AM ()
I really like the second painting. you are in my prayers. I can't imagine what you are going through but know you are in my thoughts.
comment by elkhound on July 8, 2008 6:18 AM ()
Tears are healing, as are your wonderful artistic expressions. My heart is with you!
comment by marta on July 7, 2008 10:58 PM ()
((((((((((((( Dottie )))))))))))))))))
minute by minute right now.....
comment by darkstar on July 7, 2008 9:26 PM ()

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